Published Sep 2, 2014
Joe V
7 Articles; 2,555 Posts
We have another cartoon with a missing caption. Can you help us out? We believe you can provide a better caption then we can. We are desperate. We will give you $100 if you provide us with the caption that belongs to this cartoon. All you have to do is follow the Caption Contest Rules below.
Caption Contest Rules
To qualify for the $100, your caption must be posted here on You may submit as many captions as you wish. We will choose eight finalists in which you will vote for your favorite.
Everyone is allowed to participate! Share and tell your friends, family, and co-workers to join the fun!
Top 8 captions chosen - help us select the winner @ September 2014 Top 8 Captions - Help Select Winner
Congratulations! (update: October 14)
and the winner is beauxnick ... the cartoon may be viewed at New Tech - Whose idea was this???
RN403, BSN, RN
1 Article; 1,068 Posts
"They told us we wouldn't lose our jobs to robots."
2 Posts
Rest assured, she really WAS human at the start of her 1900 shift three nights ago.
5 Posts
Well I gotta hand it to Nursebot-5000 - unlike my human staff, it DOES listen to me and follow my commands without even a hint of snarkiness.
Where have you been all my life?!? I should've planned to replace my human staff YEARS ago...aaand Bridget is standing right behind me isn't she?
493 Posts
Due to the "Nursing Shortage" we've decided to make Nurse Robots. We only have to pay for them once, and they don't require that pesky 2 minute bathroom break like you all do.
mariebailey, MSN, RN
948 Posts
Technology is no substitute for nursing judgment, Johnny Robot!
Your patient satisfaction surveys suggest you could use some work on your interpersonal skills.
1 Post
With flu season beginning early this year, Robo-Nurse is here to keep our staffing safe from illness.
13 Posts
Meet your new preceptor, Nurse-bot Ratchet.
14 Posts
This "Magnet Status" was suppose to be a good thing.
I thought you said we were getting a new TECH?!