Hey, I have never posted on a forum before about anything. I'm so heartbroken right now, I need someone to listen to me that understands what I'm going through.
Today was my second day of clinical, and this is my second quarter in nursing school. I currentlh work as a pharmacy technician, and have never worked in a patient setting before. I have a 3.6 GPA and have always held myself to the highest standard of work.
Today, I was sent home from clinical. I missed 1 intervention on my careplan, and was sent away. Another student in my group omitted 4 problems from his care plan and was able to stay. This is my third careplan that I have ever completed, but this is my first careplan done with an actual patient. I spent 6 long days and nights making sure that this thing was perfect, but I had accidentally overlooked that I had missed that 1 intervention.
I was identified last clinical as "unprofessional" for asking too many questions, but I just wanted to make sure that I understood what I was doing. But I guess even after asking so many questions, I am still just an idiot and just as confused. I am absolutely devastated. I am going to make it up, but my school requires $400 to reschedule. I believe that I will be the only student in my cohort this quarter to fail the easiest clinical of the program.
I am embarrassed, frustrated, currently crying my eyes out, and beyond disappointed in my self. I'm not sure what do or what to think. I feel like there aren't many people that have failed a clinical before, and I feel like an utter failure. I'm not sure if posting here will help, or if anyone will bother to read this. I suppose I'm rambling a bit, but I hope this will make me feel a little better about myself in the end.
I intend to pay the $400 to make it up, and pass this quarter. Failing a clinical does not mean that I fail this quarter, thankfully, but it stays on my school record as a clinical fail for the rest of my life.
I'm heartbroken and I feel hopeless right now. I hope someone is reading this and will talk to me. My boyfriend is great support, but he works for an insurance company and doesn't really understand how tough this is. So I'm hoping another student nurse will give me some peace of mind or advice or anything. Sorry for the ramblings... thank you for taking the time to read this if you have.