Seminole State Spring 2012 Generic/Concurrent Applicant

U.S.A. Florida


Hey all, I was wondering if anyone else is on this website that is applying to the upcoming spring evening term for SSC and if so, what are your thoughts. Are you nervous? I am!

Thanks, booboobear. Same to you if you applied! Kirbycruiser, I know it takes them a while to process everyone, but I wish the application window was shorter. Why do people need so long? I mean, we have been waiting, at least I have been waiting for the app. date to come for months. I think 3 days app period is sufficient. LOL.:cool:

I agree completely. I have waited all year for this application window. Even though I know it didn't make a difference I turned my app in on Monday because I could not stand to hold it any longer. LOL. Good luck everyone!!!

Thanks Dawniepoo. I applied as well. The wait is very stressful, but hopefully once you have your acceptance in your hand it would have been worth the wait. :yeah:

So, I was just reviewing the updated info packet and it says to take the TEAS V. I took the TEAS IV last year, and from what I remember at the info session, this score is acceptable, right??? I will absolutely die if I have to wait another semester because of some misinformation!

So, I was just reviewing the updated info packet and it says to take the TEAS V. I took the TEAS IV last year, and from what I remember at the info session, this score is acceptable, right??? I will absolutely die if I have to wait another semester because of some misinformation!

I think the IV is ok, but you might want to check that because they may have changed the requirements. As of May, I do think they said IV was acceptable.

I turned mine in today - #158 at the Altamonte campus (in case anyone is wondering how many other people have applied).

I am sure they will have close to 400 applicants total, which seems to be par with the last few years. I keep second guessing myself. I am wondering if I forgot to include something in the application or if I needed to do something for UCF that I missed. I know I went over everything like a hundred times. Ugh.

Well, I actually did forget something. UCF sent me an email stating I didn't include my TEAS score. I don't even remember there being a place to put that on the app! Needless to say I almost had a stroke. I had to send my score to them by fax and email. I'm a huggggeeee dork:o

No, Dawniepoo you are not a dork. I got the same email. They should have been able to see the TEAS score from your transcripts if it was included on them (mine was). I did not see any instructions on submitting the TEAS seperatley either. I think this is what freaked me out the most. At least I know I wasn't the only one ;)

No, Dawniepoo you are not a dork. I got the same email. They should have been able to see the TEAS score from your transcripts if it was included on them (mine was). I did not see any instructions on submitting the TEAS seperatley either. I think this is what freaked me out the most. At least I know I wasn't the only one ;)

OK! I feel much better. I knew I looked over it carefully and couldn't believe that I missed it and YES it is on the transcripts. Jeesh. Maybe they want to make sure your email works, hee hee.:yeah:

Now the wait begins! The deadline has passed. I'm glad you both received the email regarding the TEAS test score submission. I turned in a copy of my TEAS just in case to cover all bases.

Ok, is the wait over yet? It's been hours:eek:

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