Second time August NCLEX takers!!!

Nursing Students NCLEX


I recently failed the NCLEX in July and am scheduled to retake it AUG 18....all i have been seeing is people who passed on their 3rd or 4th time and I'm starting to get discouraged.....i would love some words of encouragment from people in the same boat as me or people who have passed on the second time in the past! I am trying to get my nerves under control and prepare myself mentally because that was the problem last time....THANKS!

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Best thing to do is get your results. I find it very hard to read what you have typed, makes it much easier if people post fully as when completing documentation you can only use hospital recognised abbreviations, but gather you went to max questions and haven't received your results yet. It doesn't matter if you get last question wrong

I will be preparing to study for the NCLEX a second time. The postive aspect is that u know now what to expect. Which gives u an advantage for the next exam. Good luck.:yeah:

So I am really having a hard time!! I took the NCLEX twice and failed using kaplan review for both :( I scored 68% of question trainer 7 and it says that if you score 65% or above you should take the test with confidence but I am so confused now!! I basically have done all of kaplan and i am not sure if i should get my money back or continue using it. But I really don't know what else to use to review. i have a job set up and they have been very nice so far with being supportive but i really want to pass this time and i am not sure my job will be there if i fail again!! please help me with your suggestions!! Does Suzanne's Plan really work or should i do something else. Please HELP ME!! It seriously has been a tough road!!

Specializes in 2.

Question for you. If you took the exam in July - don't you have to wait at least 45 days before you can resit. I took mine on July 17th - failed it - and have to wait 45 days to retake so that means September 5th. July 17 to August 17th is one month (30 days) and then fifteen days after this is September 5th. Just wondering. Kaplan really works....Some of the questions that I did in Kaplan were the actually questions (same wording and same order of questions) as the questions I remember seeing the first time.


I recently failed the NCLEX in July and am scheduled to retake it AUG 18....all i have been seeing is people who passed on their 3rd or 4th time and I'm starting to get discouraged.....i would love some words of encouragment from people in the same boat as me or people who have passed on the second time in the past! I am trying to get my nerves under control and prepare myself mentally because that was the problem last time....THANKS!

Don't give up I had to take the NCLEX twice before I passed. The first time I took it I got all 265 questions. Then the second time I took it, I got the same amount of questions again. I was really discouraged and upset after the second test, more so than the first time because I felt like I did worst. I just found out today that I passed and I feel like that's impossible, but I had money on the fact that I failed. It just goes to tell you these tests are unpredictable, just have to keep faith and not give up. If I can do it I know that everyone else sure can too.

Specializes in 2.

When you took a second time - did you use Kaplan and how did you study for it. I started using Kaplan since the week after the first time that I failed. I am trying to focus more on questions in their question trainers and qbank. But I also have gone over a significant amount of information using the book that they give. Any suggestions?

Don't give up I had to take the NCLEX twice before I passed. The first time I took it I got all 265 questions. Then the second time I took it, I got the same amount of questions again. I was really discouraged and upset after the second test, more so than the first time because I felt like I did worst. I just found out today that I passed and I feel like that's impossible, but I had money on the fact that I failed. It just goes to tell you these tests are unpredictable, just have to keep faith and not give up. If I can do it I know that everyone else sure can too.

i appreciate your words USF_graduate bcoz as of now im reviewing nclex for the 3rd time and a while ago im not sure if i'll gonna pass it this time but bcoz of your words im more confident this time and bcoz everything's on stake here. i have family&financial problem and i dont have anymore options left, whether i pass or fail i still gonna join the army being a nurse or enlisted soldier. haaaaayz....:banghead:

BTW, which is better? army or airforce:confused:

Hi, I just took my Nclex today too.... still waiting for results too. Hopefully the results will be in by tomorrow....

How I studied was I focused on the Kaplan course book first. I made sure to read through the topics that I wasn't too sure of and then briefly brushed up on the topics that I felt that I had sufficient knowledge on already. After I was done with that I then went onto the q banks and question trainers. I made sure to not focus on quantity of questions but rather quality. I made sure that I read the rationales whether I got the answer right or wrong. Some days I only did 10 questions but I took about 10 minutes to answer each. I asked myself what the question was asking and why did I choose the answer that I did. The main thing is that before the test I pumped myself up by listening to really rowdy music. It put in the mood to beat this test up (you know like "i'm number one" or "imma kick your butt" type of music). Then during the test I made sure to use my ID and block out the portion on the screen that tells you what number question you are on. The first time that I had taken the test I was so obsessed with the computer turning off at 75 that I freaked out when it didn't. So this time around I didn't have that chance to focus on which question I was on but rather the particular question itself. That really helped. Just know that regardless of pass or fail the worst part of it is over: you got a degree in nursing and no one or nothing can take that away. That is the greatest achievement of all and this test does not define you as a nurse. You define what a nurse really is and that fact that we are so determined and driven to succeed is enough for me.

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