Seattle University -- APNI 2011

U.S.A. Washington


I've been a reader of these message boards for some time and thought I'd finally start participating. I didn't see a thread for the SU APNI 2011 application process, so I thought that as the deadline is this week I would start a thread and see how everyone's process went. I'm interested in the primary care np track myself.

I tried calling directly to Kaitlyn a few times today but she must be out of her office. Do you guys think it's bad to email her and maybe follow up with a phone call or just wait until I can actually talk to her?

junipers- I will ask her about any additional financial aid forms if I talk to her before you do. Did you already file one for FAFSA? I didn't even know that you could fill one out if you aren't accepted anywhere yet. I guess I need to do it soon in the event I get off the waitlist. It has to be filed before April 1st for summer qtr?

I just found out that I'm on the wait list.

Everyone should fill out the FAFSA form as soon as possible, even if you are on the wait list. You do not have to be admitted to fill it out and if you wait too long you might not get the best options for aid. April is the official deadline, but the earlier you fill it out the better.

Kesangah - did you get your letter today? Or call and find out? Thanks for the fin aid info.....

Got a big envelope yesterday for FNP :) Yay!

To pink,

Can you plz tell me yr background and otherr qualifications. They waitlisted me for interview and I got the rejection letter yesterday. Still haven't find the answer why?! You can read my previous posts.

Congrats NolaSea! Still no word here....

Lolita- Sorry to hear about the bad news. I’m sure one day everything will work out for you. Just keep your chin up and believe that one day you will be able to reach your goals. I’m waitlisted so that doesn’t necessarily mean anything either…I just hope something works out for me though b/c SU is my first choice.

As far as my background and qualifications go, I have really high grades in all my pre-reqs and a decent Gre score, but I am sure most competitive applicants have those as well. I went to college in Washington. Besides that, I have several years (600+ hrs) of volunteer experience working with underserved populations, work experience working with people of different cultures, and currently volunteer at a hospital. I do not have any paid nursing or healthcare experience though. All previous work experience were not related to healthcare. If anything, I think that my volunteer experience and letter of recommendations (obviously combined with good grades and gre score) might have help set me apart from other applicants and gotten me the interview.

Juniper, I just spoke with Kaitlin and she said the only financial aid form to fill out now is the FAFSA. Anyone that is taken off the waitlist will be given scholarship forms that the accepted students get.

Thanks Pink,

I have 4.0 in my prereqs as well and my background in medicine. I don't know maybe I have to do more volunteer in underserevd. I'm doing it in a free clinic now. Can u tell me where were u volunteering? Tnx

Did anyone else just get an e-mail from grad admissions that says:

"Please take a few minutes to complete our Admitted Graduate Student Survey by clicking here. We hope to learn more about you and what factors inform your decision to accept or decline the offer of admission to Seattle University"

I haven't received anything in the mail, so I'm nervous to start celebrating. I think someone in admissions may have jumped the gun...

Has everyone accepted received this email already?

Lolita, all my volunteer experience has all been healthcare related. I have worked with the homeless, ppl from different countries/cultures, and socioeconomic backgrounds. It seems that working in a free clinic is a good place to get your volunteer experience and you obviously have experience in the medical field being a dr. from a different country.

I will be honest though. Admissions look at more than just grades and experience. You have that so now you just have to ask yourself what else you can do to make yourself a more competitive applicant. Maybe volunteer more, re-write your personal statement or get someone who's native language is English to look it over, become a CNA, make sure the people you are getting your recommendations from will actually fill it out in your favor. I know that mine filled out the form and wrote a formal letter in addition as well. Good luck to you!

Has everyone accepted received this email already?

Yes, I received it. I believed it was yesterday, Friday.

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