Scripps New Grad Nurse Residency 2013

U.S.A. California


Hello fellow new grads!

I'm starting this post to round up all the applicants for the 2013 cohort at Scripps in San Diego. I called HR today and they were rather tight-lipped about when the application would post, and was told "It will post in about 30-45 days" and to "keep checking the website". Enlightening, isn't it? Also to those who applied for the last round and will be re-applying, any tips you want to share for us newbies? thanks and I look forward to hearing from everyone that's just as stressed as I am.

The waiting game is killing me, I wonder how they organize their phone calls to applicants... alphabetically? I'm assuming by unit and location...

Specializes in Hospice & Palliative Care, Oncology, M/S.

I think it's by location. If it were alphabetically, I'd be out.

The waiting game is killing me, I wonder how they organize their phone calls to applicants... alphabetically? I'm assuming by unit and location...

I'm guessing there's no real system. They're probably doing it as the unit managers make their decisions and pass the word along.

For those who have gotten calls: are the calls coming from the unit managers or HR?

Has anyone been offered a job from Encinitas yet?

Specializes in Pediatrics.

Hi all. Three of my friends got Scripps. One, interviewed on the 26--got offered personally from two different manager at two diff location (CV and Encinitas), second friend interviewed on the 30th, got offered from Mercy, the 3rd friend interviewed on dec 3rd, got two offers: Green and Encinitas. They all have BSN. They recieved a call either from ***** and *******. They have to make their decision by noon whatever location they don't pick then that means it will be given to the next selected candidates.

Good luck to all. I am a Sharp girl at heart. So far i have had lots of interview and turn down some offers...i'm waiting on Sharp :)

AV03- I am pretty sure my friend is starting on the med onc unit as well....I am not 100% sure, but that sounds vaguely familiar. Congrats on getting the position!! I did my last semester of clinicals and my preceptorship at La Jolla and LOVED it there!!

my call was from HR.

She mentioned my unit manager's name, but I was too excited and forgot to write it down.

So, it seems like another round of phone calls should be scheduled to be made this afternoon, everyone keep your fingers crossed


I just realized that both of the thank-you notes I sent the managers (I only interviewed with two) bounced back. I resent them just now, trying to guess what their email addresses are. They wrote it for me on a piece of paper that wasn't easy to read. Ugh. Not a deal-breaker, but still....

I'm depressed :( I missed several days of my internship to go to interview and I really want to just be settled in somewhere

I'm depressed :( I missed several days of my internship to go to interview and I really want to just be settled in somewhere

Thirty more hours, peppered. We'll know for sure by then. I've already decided I did not get it, but that's mostly so I don't make myself crazy in the next day.

Nice meeting you, by the way, however briefly and however nervous we were at the time.

Definitely feeling the heartbreak right now... for every second that passes by I'm losing hope. It's been 11 going on 12 months since I've graduated. I just want to start working as a nurse!

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