Published Aug 5, 2005
3 Posts
Well, My first attempt is now complete, Still ccant rule out a possible MI as it was only 15 minutes ago and yes I still feel palpatations! Stopped at around 100 questions, cant really remember any questions but the last one, which I checked on-line and believe my response was correct. That was alot harder than I anticipated, and got alot of questions on specific diseases and specific medications, others I know who took it and passed said they did not get that specific so I am really scared! PA doesnt have quick results available and the state website is slow so I will not know for a while which really isnt good for someone my age! I am praying for the best but expecting the worst!
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
welcome to the site! i wish you the best of luck on your exam. most post the same feeling and are convinced they failed only to come back and post the good news. best of luck to you, and be back to post those results. :)
sue a
10 Posts
I can truly relate, I took the exam on Wednesday and walked out feeling devastated! But I found out today that I passed. The hardest is telling you to try to relax because I know how difficult it is, but take care of yourself - go shopping like I did and try to think good thoughts. Best wishes and luck to you.
17 Articles; 45,835 Posts
well, my first attempt is now complete, still ccant rule out a possible mi as it was only 15 minutes ago and yes i still feel palpatations! stopped at around 100 questions, cant really remember any questions but the last one, which i checked on-line and believe my response was correct. that was alot harder than i anticipated, and got alot of questions on specific diseases and specific medications, others i know who took it and passed said they did not get that specific so i am really scared! pa doesnt have quick results available and the state website is slow so i will not know for a while which really isnt good for someone my age! i am praying for the best but expecting the worst!
check back with us in about 2 or 3 days and let us now that you passed!!!!
siri, crnp, clnc, rlnc
107 Posts
I had a test on Wednesday, i am a foreign-trained nurse and no matter how hard i prepared the test seemed awful. The computer shut off after 75 questions and i was devastated, felt like i failed. Today i found out that i passed and already got my license.
Dont worry, and be patient.
Good luck
1,987 Posts
As Jessica said, there's lots of people who post the same feelings after they finish the NLCEX. You've done all that work, taken so many tests in school, and end up with THE FINAL, and you feel like you failed. I know it's got to be horrible, especially with PA not participating in the quick results option.
Think good thoughts, try to relax and realize that it's over. Take a break. We are behind you, and hope you get results really soon.
I must say that it is so great to get the positive feedback from all of you that I just might not have to pick up that prescription of Xanax that I had my Dr call in to get me over the next week or so! Seriously (or is it serosanguinously), I really want to thank you guys for the wonderful thoughts you have given me. It honestly does mean alot to me!
Thank You.
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,745 Posts
Do something good for yourself and try to relax. It's over, you did your best, you can't rewrite the past. Hang in there and best wishes to you.