Scared to leave nursing

Nurses General Nursing


I apologize if this will be a long post. I just need to vent my feelings and am wondering if anyone else has ever felt the same.

Ive been a nurse for 5 years. My very first nursing job was on a med surg unit. The unit and hospital had particularly high nurse turnover. At the time, I was not in a good place in my personal life. I had a lot of anxiety and personal things I had not dealt with - the unit I was on just multiplied the anxiety. I loved the actual job, but the realities of the hospital were just too much at that time.

I left that first job after about one year. I thought I hated nursing and swore I would never work in the hospital again. I formulated my exit plan from nursing - I got a job in an outpatient clinic and started working on a masters in public health. I worked in the outpatient clinic for several years. I actually had a pretty good experience as a nurse at that job. Meanwhile, i did a lot of soul searching, worked on myself, and found myself in a better place than I was at that first job.

I decided I was not ready to give up on nursing. I ended up getting a job as a public health nurse, where Ive been working for a while now. A lot of things have changed in my personal life. I am in a way better headspace and place in life than I was as a brand new nurse.

Despite the good place im now in, I struggle a lot with trying to figure out my career path. Ive debated a lot over the past 5 years wether or not I want to be a nurse. I love helping people and I love science/medicine. I love the learning opportunities as a nurse and the flexibility of the career. On the other hand, i hate the realities of nursing. Its frustrating how hospitals are run and how little time for patient care nurses have. Even outpatient practices are like this to a degree.

I was recently accepted to a program that will allow me to change my career. Without getting in too much detail, it will allow me to learn the skills take a non-clinical role in health or public health where I can use computer programs. The potential job opportunities pay higher than nursing. I cant say I would feel as passionate about the potential job opportunities as nursing, but they would pay more and some would interest me.

Throughout my whole nursing career I have found myself, at times, wanting a way out. Now that I have a concrete way out....I am getting cold feet. Im scared to leave nursing. I love feeling like I am making a difference as a nurse. Im worried another job would not give me that fulfillment. I also feel kind of guilty for wanting to leave at times - how could i leave such a caring profession? If nurses keep leaving the profession - will there be anyone there to care for me or my loved ones if ever in need?

I also have always had it in the back of my mind that I wanted to try the hospital again, now that I am in a better headspace and place in life. Im worried that I will always have this “what if” in my mind if I change careers.

Has anyone else ever felt this fear or guilt about leaving nursing?

Anyways - I decided to make an appointment with a career counselor to help me figure all this out! So im not looking for anyone to solve my quarter life crisis.

I just wanted a space to vent and wondered if anyone else ever has felt the same about leaving nursing.

Keep your license and go to casual/PRN status? That way you aren’t entirely “out” and still have a foot in the door. You can pull that foot out at a later date, when you are ready to leave nursing behind (or leave it there, or go back in...)

Specializes in Critical Care; Cardiac; Professional Development.

It has been my personal experience that every single good career move I have made has both excited and terrified me to some degree. I am of the opinion that if a goal/dream doesn't scare you a bit, it isn't going to grow you.

Specializes in Corrections and Occupational Health.

I agree with what others are saying that maybe you should work in the nursing field a few days a month until you get this new adventure off and going. It is hard to change ....I should say scary to change sometimes but it can be good. I just moved to another state for my job and I was so scared but it has been great- at times a little lonely but I am getting myself out. What school are you going to? I am looking to get my MSN in public health- I work in occupational. Good luck!!!

On 7/16/2019 at 2:55 PM, myoglobin said:

Anyone who doesn't think about leaving bedside nursing is either one of the few "chosen" by God/destiny or insane

Oh my gosh, so funny and true.

On 7/16/2019 at 2:33 PM, nurse_982 said:

Now that I have a concrete way out....I am getting cold feet. Im scared to leave nursing. I love feeling like I am making a difference as a nurse.

You don't have to leave to do something else. Do the other thing AND keep your license up to date. I knew a nurse who volunteered 2 weeks a year on a Native American Reservation and she would come back so happy!

I have decided that todays version of bedside nursing is not for me. I left nursing for about a year. I feel rejuvenated.

On 7/16/2019 at 9:05 PM, steven007 said:

I like law, I love the opportunities I have with it and I am grateful I decided to do it. But in the end, I know that I will stick with nursing and combine law in whatever way I can,

Wow, you are going to be a Nurse Shark? (pun intended) I think that is amazing! Way to go!?

On 7/16/2019 at 2:55 PM, myoglobin said:

Anyone who doesn't think about leaving bedside nursing is either one of the few "chosen" by God/destiny or insane.

I know many nurses that have been working at the hospital on med/surg floor for 20+ years and they love it and they are not planning to leave it even that they were offered "office" type jobs and promotions. I think it depends on individual.

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