Sacrifices, huh?

Nurses Announcements Archive


I'm a mother of 4 sons, two that are grown and two that are 7. My husband works alternating 12 hour days..two days on, two days off, three days on, three days off, etc. Before, I was working every evening that he wasn't so that we could be each other's child care. This as a waitress, btw. Now, since I'm in my first semester of RN school, I only work four days out of the month....two Saturdays, two Sundays. The loss of incoming money is proving to be substantial.

I'm torn and I'm stressed. I was able to work for the three years it took to get the prerequisites out of the way but our instructors highly recommended that we (the students) not work while we're taking this course, and I can see why. However, if I don't, what are we going to do?

My husband is now facing the repossession of his truck. It will probably be picked up any day now. Before, we thought (or hoped) we could make it....knew it would be tight but still hoped. We didn't take into account other obstacles. One of those obstacles has been our plumbing going haywire. This is extra cost to us that we hadn't anticipated. To make matters worse, our heating unit is under the house so when the pipes broke the unit was flooded and ruined. We're still praying that our homeowner's insurance will help in the $5k cost of replacing that. I do not know what we will do if it doesn't.

I just don't know what to do.....If I work more, how will I ever have time to study and get assignments completed in time? How can I have any hope at all at passing this semester and the remaining three? If I can only get through this nightmare, I could finally have secure employment that I not only love but would benefit my family greatly. If I don't make it, then we'll be stuck in the same vicious financial cycle that we've been stuck in for years. My husband says that, although he hates to lose his truck, he will be alright....I still hate to see him lose it.

Has any of you faced these kind of obstacles? Have you had losses as a consequence of not being able to work as much? How did you deal with it?

I have to agree w/ PJMommy, get some student loans! Since you are married w/ kids you would be classified as an independent student and eligible for even more in loan money. My husband and I both get student loans and they are a God send. We use the extra that we get to bolster our bank account so that we don't have to kill ourselves trying to work and go to school. If you get federal loans, you have a 6 month grace period where you don't have to pay them back. Also, when you do start to pay them back, you are able to choose what type of repayment plan you want to do. This can affect your monthly payment for better or worse. Also, once you are done with school, look into doing a consolidation loan through the gov't. This can lower your interest rate and also extend the time you have to repay the loan from 10 yrs up to 30 years. Good luck!


I really wish I knew more to help you out but I can't think of anything. Too bad your school makes you go full-time and it seems as though you are in class an awful lot.

I know its really difficult. I attend classes full-time and work full-time. That takes most of my time, I don't know what I would do if I had kids.

I guess the only other idea I can think of is maybe trying to babysit for people in the evenings so that you could study as well as make a few extra bucks. I don't really know as I am not able to see your situation.

I wish I knew of other options.

Specializes in MS Home Health.

I had two babies under two, worked full time and went to nursing school because I had to or we would have been on welfare. The instructors, the dean and the advisor told me I would not pass. Actually I was very pissed at them for the lack of support.

I did fine. Yes it was hard. Yes I had no social life. Yes I was dog dead tired for the years I was doing it.

I worked full time with 5 kids to get my BS and same for my MS. I did distance ed but I took 8 and 9 classes per qtr and got each degree in one year.

I think if you want to help your family and you tell yourself I will do it. I have to do it. You can.

I read over and over and over here that no one thinks you can work while in nursing school. You can. Sometimes you do not have a choice. I did not. I would be darned if I would let someone repo my car or house. Fight for it. Fight for both.


I don't think y'all understand. The job I work at doesn't close until midnight. I go in at 4 in the evening. All of my classes start in the morning. If I work this job during the week, when will I study? If I work the days my husband works, who will watch my twins? How will I pay them? Do you see what I mean?

This isn't an issue about social life....I'm a 40 year old....who cares about a social life? I cannot recall the last time I sat down and even watched a show on television. In some ways I regret posting about this because I feel some think if I wanted to bad enough I could solve this problem. That I'm just lazily sitting back, dumbly allowing my family to suffer while I pursue a degree. It's not like that.....I ask you to please give me the benefit of the doubt and recognize that I am an individual that has exhausted every avenue of solutions and realize that, though you may have done this, done that......and doesn't mean everyone has those same options. Thank you. Had it not been for the plumbing and following central air & heating breakdown we wouldn't be quite in the same boat. Unforseen contastrophy.

renerian, when you went to nursing school, were you able to break some of your courses, go part time....or are you telling me you took a full course load (full-time student) and worked full time too. Who watched your children when you worked? Do you have family or friends that assisted you? Did your job perhaps pay enough to afford childcare?

PJMommy, thank you for understanding and for the support. I will definately check out the link you have provided to see if this is the rescue I have been praying for. Thanks to all of you who have given me your support without judgement.

Specializes in Trauma ICU, MICU/SICU.

I'm sorry you regret posting it. I don't think anyone thinks you're lazy though.

What type of program are you in? A diploma program? If you can't continue because of financial reasons you may have to stop the program and take your A&P and other courses. Then re-apply to the program when all you will need to take are the nursing courses.

Don't know if you have the flexibility with that program. Don't know if there are other programs you can apply for.

I wish you well. Wish I had a solution for you.

I would definitely look into getting student loans. I'm in a similar situation as you. I have kids and can't work while in school and can't afford to work to pay a babysitter. I literally live off my student loans. Without them I would have to quit school and work whenever my husband is at home.

Sorry to hear about the extra financial strains that you've recently have. I would first see if I can get some loans asap to pay for everything. Then I would look for family to borrow from. Can you borrow money from anyone to get everything fixed? I'm lucky enough to have parents and in-laws who can lend us money whenever an emergency comes up.

suemom2kay, I'm in the associate degree program for RN and no, there aren't any affordable programs in my area I can apply for. Actually, this one is the only program in my area. If I discontinue I will be looking at a three year wait to even have a chance to get in. There's a long waiting list. I've already attended school for three years just getting prerequisites done.

Cynthiann, I will look tomorrow about the possibility of getting a student loan but am sure it won't be in time to keep my husband from losing his truck. While at work last night, I talked to a wonderful woman.....she's an RN at one of the local prisons. She was telling me how her husband lost his car, was laid off on top of that, and other catastrophies that befell her and her family. She stuck it out, graduated, and the job she's held now for the past 12 years put her family into an all new tax bracket.

Cynthiann, no.....I wish there were. My parents are deceased and my husband's mother is elderly and lives on a fixed income. His siblings are financially about tit for tat with us. You really are blessed to have financial aid when you need it and those who have readily available childcare from family members are so incredibly blessed.

Specializes in Trauma ICU, MICU/SICU.

Ugh, 3 year wait, that's terrible.

Hopefully a loan would help. Wish I had more advice to offer. I hope things do work out for you.

Loose the truck, big deal. Buy something within your means (no payments!) Nursing school is hard and WE ALL HAVE ISSUES that come up from time to time (or for some of us THE WHOLE TIME). Get student loans and rework your budget. Maybe even go to the dean of the school and let them know how financially strapped you are. Our school has some sort of a program if an emergency comes up.

I could tell you all about my various situations through LPN school and now for my BSN, (and most of us can) but I can tell that you don't want to hear it because you've got it worse. Hang in there, I know it is tough and I am sorry you are going through this. I know what a panic it can be when there are severe financial difficulties. Good luck to you; you will find a way, I'm sure.

Specializes in LTC, ER, ICU,.

seek information at your area hospital/s for a nursing scholarship, if given, you would work for them after you graduate.

i will keep you in my prayers.

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