
Nurses General Nursing


Specializes in Medical Telemetry, LTC,AlF, Skilled care.

Hi everyone. I'm an LPN, new grad, and I work on a busy medical telemetry unit. I had five weeks of orientation and this past monday night was my first night off of orientation, and I felt like I was drowning. I'm comfortable with all the people I work with and the unit itself as I worked there as an aide for 9 months prior to graduating from LPN school. Anyway my night was going okay until about 0400 when I got and admission, had a pt whose bs was bottoming out, had a pt whose HR was in the 30's full code, and my dialysis pt who had vomitted and had a critical creatinine level of 20. This is on top of all my morning work which includes making sure the charts and nursing rounds are completed, I/O, VS, meds, and recording report. I was calling Dr.'s left and right for my bradycardia pt and creatinine levels, trying to get my admission's orders verified and in the computer, etc, etc. Luckily my Charge Nurse helped me out and without her I would have drowned, but I felt/feel so bad, I cried all the way home from the hospital that morning *1 hr drive, yeah lots of tears* I just feel completely overwhelmed and incompetent. I talked to my preceptor and she said that I'm doing fine that I just had a bad night and that it would take 6 months- 1year to really get settled but offered to let be do a couple more weeks of orientation if I wanted to. I agreed, I'm just so nervous about EVERYTHING it's really hit me that the actions I take or do not take can adversely affect my patient's lives and as a new nurse that scares the hell out of me. I feel like a horrible nurse, I just froze up it was all I could do to hold it together. I love nursing more than anything and it just really worries me that I suck at it. Any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated. Well, time to get ready for work. Thanks guys.

hi ben,

(time to change your username!)

it will take a minimum of 6 mos to establish your own routine;

probably closer to a year.

our new grads around here, usually have a 12 wk orientation.

it sounds like you did well.

you knew your priorities and handled them accordingly.

yes, it absolutely is overwhelming.

i assure you, even experienced nurses get overwhelmed.

i find it easier to chart as i go, rather than wait til the end of the shift.

but ultimately, you need to give it time.

i promise you, it won't always feel like this.

you did well, my friend.

give yourself a big pat on the back.


Specializes in ICU, ER.

That was a crazy assignment for an experienced nurse, let alone a new grad just off orientation. You deserved help with all that was going on; don't feel bad about it. Hopefully, it was just a coincidence that all of those things happened around the same time. Hopefully the next coincidence occurs when you've gotten more experience. Hang in there - you made it trough the shift, I can say after 14 years that every bad shift teaches me something new.

Something I've noticed of many new nurses is that they are afraid to ask for help when they're drowning; your co-workers are not going to think less of you for doing so, and you will repay the debt many times over. Teamwork is very important, especially on night shift.

Specializes in Cardiac Care, ICU.

Who's brilliant idea was it to give you the admit when you had two pts going south? Good that your charge nurse helped but it would have been better if he/she had readjusted the assignments based on the accuity. Emmanuel is right about asking for help. Don't feel guilty, it's for the pts safty.

hang in there, it really does get better :):)

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

Keep your head up and always stay strong, as things will become much smoother with the passage of time and grace. In addition, the others have given really wonderful advice regarding asking for help when you need it. As a new nurse, you are expected to ask questions. Something is very wrong if you are not questioning things. Good luck, and take care! :)

Specializes in Medical Telemetry, LTC,AlF, Skilled care.

Thank you for all of your encouragement. I had a really good night last night so in general I'm feeling better. I'm still just really nervous and scared over all but I guess those feelings won't be going away anytime soon. Thank you all again! Oh yeah you're right I do need to change my user name!

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