Published Jan 3, 2008
183 Posts
There is a hospital in Pittsburgh Pa that requires the staff to be smiling all the time and if you are not smiling you are questioned as to why not. Pittsburgh nurses please reply, to whether this is true or not.
MQ Edna
1 Article; 1,741 Posts
That's stupid and should be consider corporal punishment. I mean... are you expected to be smiling if your changing a bag or responding to a code? Ridiculous.
1,927 Posts
I mean... are you expected to be smiling if your changing a bag or responding to a code? Ridiculous.
That is what I was thinking. Am I supposed to smile even if I just rec'd word that my mother died? Am I supposed to smile as a pt is circling the drain? Ridiculous.
Picture this: a pt just died after a long and messy code. As you go to inform the family that they're loved one died, are you going to smile like you're happy they're dead? Incredibly isensitive. If someone came to me smiling that my mother was died I'm afraid I'd have to break their nose.
Sorry, I don't work in the area but had to put my 2 cents in.
54 Posts
OMG thats rediculous.
1 Article; 6,683 Posts
I get the sense that this may be true, but may not be. Pawashrn, you may get more responses in the Pennsylvania Forum since this doesn't seem to be a particularly gender-related issue.
Music in My Heart
1 Article; 4,111 Posts
Nothing looks worse than a phony, forced smile.
It would send shivers down my spine to have a doc or nurse point one at me as a patient.
17 Articles; 45,841 Posts
Thread moved to Pennsylvania forum.
nursemike, ASN, RN
1 Article; 2,362 Posts
Possibly my all-time favorite line from the X-files, and one I've used at work, was Peter Boyle as a psychic: "This isn't a smile, it's a grimace."
barefootlady, ADN, RN
2,174 Posts
Mike, You are bad, so bad. LOL!
CoffeeRTC, BSN, RN
3,734 Posts
haven't heard about it yet. Is is UPMC?
snowfreeze, BSN, RN
948 Posts
I was recently employed in a pittsburgh area hospital that did encourage smiiling. Not just a pasted on smile but as you aproach others in the hallways, make eye contact and smile when about 10 feet away then say hello, good morning etc when about 5 feet away. This was started to help everyone feel as though they are welcome there. Simply a positive suggestion and it was never required nor was anyone ever questioned or reprimanded for not smiling.
Yes it was one of the UPMC facilities.
453 Posts
I don't know many who work for UPMC that feel like smiling...including my daughter.