Published Aug 7, 2005
2,450 Posts
I'm going to be a nurse.
Today I just watched a show I'd Tivo'd. It was a documentary on the Discovery Health Channel called "NURSES". Every episode they follow a group of nurses in a different field. This episode covered L&D along with NICU nurses and CNM's at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore. It was fantastic.
Halfway through this documentary I got tear in my eyes. The thought hit me, "I'M GOING TO BE A NURSE." It was like one of those great moments of revelation that happen a few times in your life.
I am not one of those people who definition of themselves is based on the work they do. I am not one who decided to become a nurse at 5 years old. Truly, I did not even consider it a career option for myself until I meet a great group of CRNA's, PACU and OR nurses. Even though for some time decided to study nursing, the thought still startled me.
With all the bad things I've heard (low pay, toxic coworkers, bad administrators, dangerous patients, etc) I am still so excited I can hardly stand it! I am going to be entrusted with the care of sick human beings who will depend on me to be their advocate. I will be allowed to use the lateset in medicine and technology along with good old-fashioned brainpower and critical thinking skills to assure the well-being of another person.
Half-way through that show, I hit the pause button and had to do a little dance in my house. It ws a dance of aknowledgement and gratitude.
Is anyone as excited as I? I could just pop! Do any of you students feel this way? Do any of you nurses still feel this way after practicing?
1,119 Posts
Every once in a while something happens or someone says something to me, and I feel PROUD to be a nurse.
Congratulations and best wishes on your journey to becoming a NURSE!!!
295 Posts
Oh My Gosh! I am just as excited as you are. Every single day I watch the Nurses I work with (I'm a CNA right now) and I just can't wait until that is me. I feel proud that I am going into nursing. Like you I wasn't the little girl who at 5 said I want to be a nurse when I grow up. I grew up then decided I wanted to be a nurse. Same thing happens when I watch those Be A Nurse commercials on TV. I get chills. I feel so excited. Now that I have started my program finally, I feel SO EXCITED and I think I AM going to be a nurse (as long as I make it through school! )
222 Posts
i work in a LTC facility for disabled and dying children. last night one of the residents father came to visit him and he brought him down to the wing i was working on to introduce us. He told his dad that I was one of the only nurses this place had hired who 'actually had a brain' and 'who he knew genuinely (sp) cared about him'. At that moment I was so proud to be doing what I do. I work anywhere from 4-6 12 hour shifts a week, sometimes wondering if i've lost my mind, then something like that happens and I realize that all the time I've put in there really matters to one of these kids and i rejoice in the fact that i am his nurse. :)
Faeriewand, ASN, RN
1,800 Posts
Well first off congratulations! :balloons: I wonder if all nurses started out this way?
Yeah I was pretty excited too when I suddenly realized I wanted to be a nurse. I was feeling somewhat melancholy because I didn't know what I wanted to do with the rest of my life, just flipping thru my college catalog when it suddenly occured to me to turn to the nurses program. I said to myself that I could do this and my spirits lifted. :) I was so happy over the next few days I felt as if my feet barely touched the ground.
I still feel pretty good about it.
I would really like to see that show. I'll have to keep an eye out for it.
145 Posts
I'm going to be a nurse.Today I just watched a show I'd Tivo'd. It was a documentary on the Discovery Health Channel called "NURSES". Every episode they follow a group of nurses in a different field. This episode covered L&D along with NICU nurses and CNM's at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore. It was fantastic.Halfway through this documentary I got tear in my eyes. The thought hit me, [/b]"I'M GOING TO BE A NURSE."[/b] It was like one of those great moments of revelation that happen a few times in your life.I am not one of those people who definition of themselves is based on the work they do. I am not one who decided to become a nurse at 5 years old. Truly, I did not even consider it a career option for myself until I meet a great group of CRNA's, PACU and OR nurses. Even though for some time decided to study nursing, the thought still startled me.With all the bad things I've heard (low pay, toxic coworkers, bad administrators, dangerous patients, etc) I am still so excited I can hardly stand it! I am going to be entrusted with the care of sick human beings who will depend on me to be their advocate. I will be allowed to use the lateset in medicine and technology along with good old-fashioned brainpower and critical thinking skills to assure the well-being of another person.Half-way through that show, I hit the pause button and had to do a little dance in my house. It ws a dance of aknowledgement and gratitude.Is anyone as excited as I? I could just pop! Do any of you students feel this way? Do any of you nurses still feel this way after practicing?I"M GOING TO BE A NURSE!!!
Halfway through this documentary I got tear in my eyes. The thought hit me, [/b]"I'M GOING TO BE A NURSE."[/b] It was like one of those great moments of revelation that happen a few times in your life.
Oh yes, Oh yes, Oh yes! After 30 years I still feel that way. I hope you have the same feeling when you have been a nurse for 30 years. Hurray for you!
suzy253, RN
3,815 Posts
Congratulations & good for you!!!
I know that episode you're talking about--it's the only one I've seen on nurses and they keep repeating that one over & over. they should have more!!! :)
19 Posts
Yes! I absolutely feel that way too!
General E. Speaking, RN, RN
1 Article; 1,337 Posts
welcome to the wonderful world of nursing!
859 Posts
Good for you !!!!! I have been a nurse for almost 15 years, so I've had times when I love it.. and times where I would rather be anything else.
Right now I am in one of those "LOVE IT" :redbeathe stages (could have something to do with the new meds that I am on ).
Being a nurse is wonderful....and I hope that feeling stays with you for a long, long time!!!!!!!
138 Posts
Hmmmm.....I feel after being a nurse for the last 6 yrs that I am finally just starting to want to be a nurse....was totally never something I wanted to be....just needed a steady job. I am glad that circumstances had be take this route, b/c otherwise, I would have never chosen it out of desire. I think life has a funny way of helping us in the right direction sometimes....I know think that we all have some responsibility in life to serve humanity....I guess nursing is my contribution....funny though that someone had to basically knock me in the head to do it.
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,709 Posts
Don't worry, when you graduate we'll slap that excitement right out of and eat you for lunch.
hehehe.........rock on!