Research Starting 8/12

Nursing Students Texas (UTA)


I know I am way ahead of the game but I wanted to start this thread early so we could have some time to share pointers and tips we have collected along the way concerning this course. Maybe we can make it a little less stressful by trying to be as prepared as we can!!

I like that philosophy Meriwhen!!! I am in this class to pass and achieve my goal of a BSN. I will be a team player but ultimately know that I may have to bite my tongue at times. I am trying to approach this class as I have all the others, with an open mind and usually after the first week, things start to come together. Then, there are only 4 weeks left:)

WE CAN ALL GET THROUGH THIS!!!! Remember your goal.

Specializes in Psych ICU, addictions.
At this point all I am asking is that they log into the class and acknowledge they are there and are going to participate.

If you're group leader, try e-mailing your group members in addition to posting on the board. I found that sometimes this was the best way to get members' attention. Members (including myself) may only log into Bb once a day but it's safe to say they (I) check their e-mail much more frequently than that.

If you're group leader, try e-mailing your group members in addition to posting on the board. I found that sometimes this was the best way to get members' attention. Members (including myself) may only log into Bb once a day but it's safe to say they (I) check their e-mail much more frequently than that.

Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately I did this on Sunday night and not a single person responded to that. I guess I can try and send another email out.

Specializes in Psych ICU, addictions.

Keep nagging. I was leader for the first week and didn't hesitate to email as frequently as needed, sometimes multiple times in one day. Sometimes a member would respond by email because they were at work and couldn't access Bb for several hours. But it worked.

Anyone else having issues joining the OOH this morning?

Specializes in Operating Room.
Anyone else having issues joining the OOH this morning?

Instructor glitch apparently. They are working on it.

Thank you! I just saw that announcement; my blackboard doesn't seem to be updating as quickly as I'd like

Hi I am in the nursing research class too. Glad I found this thread. I am getting very anxious about this assignment coming up. We have one group member completely missing and one that introduced herself and hasn't been back. Yikes.

Hi I am in the nursing research class too. Glad I found this thread. I am getting very anxious about this assignment coming up. We have one group member completely missing and one that introduced herself and hasn't been back. Yikes.

My suggestion to you would be to start dividing hose peoples work amongst the members that are there. They do not care if some of your team doesn't show up or doesn't do the work, they will still hold you accountable.

Specializes in Operating Room.

Hey Maryannmartin,

Thanks for posting your OOH notes to the DB. I attended and took notes, but yours were great. Going to review the OOH again to make sure I have everything needed in this week’s assignment. Seems like a lot for the first week. Thank goodness I took history this summer and not with this course, I would have to be committed somewhere.


Everyone has shown up now so we are all good. Does anyone know anything about their grading? Their rubric seems easy to follow but when they say "discuss" I have a feeling they have specific things they want you to talk about and if you don't it will be points off.

Hey Maryannmartin,

Thanks for posting your OOH notes to the DB. I attended and took notes, but yours were great. Going to review the OOH again to make sure I have everything needed in this week’s assignment. Seems like a lot for the first week. Thank goodness I took history this summer and not with this course, I would have to be committed somewhere.


Well later in the post the faculty made a comment that some of the students misinterpreted some of the information whic I am assuming is me. No they didnt say what was misinterpreted ot give any clarification, that would be too easy. I listened to the OOH again and couldn't find any where that there was a glaring mistake so who knows. I guess we have to maintain the cryptic mature of this stupid program at all costs.

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