Research Starting 8/12

Nursing Students Texas (UTA)


I know I am way ahead of the game but I wanted to start this thread early so we could have some time to share pointers and tips we have collected along the way concerning this course. Maybe we can make it a little less stressful by trying to be as prepared as we can!!

Well later in the post the faculty made a comment that some of the students misinterpreted some of the information whic I am assuming is me. No they didnt say what was misinterpreted ot give any clarification, that would be too easy. I listened to the OOH again and couldn't find any where that there was a glaring mistake so who knows. I guess we have to maintain the cryptic mature of this stupid program at all costs.

I hand wrote my notes or I would send them to you, but I had pretty much the exact same things as you did. You had a little bit more I think.

I emailed my coach some specific questions about #5 on the assignment and if I was at least on the right track. She emailed back to listen to the OOH. I had already listened to that part twice and it wasn't addressed. And part I needed clarification. I guess they say just ask away and they'll point us in the right direction, but that really means they'll point you back to the OOH and you better hope your questions was addressed there. Sorry I think I am a little grumpy right now!!

Specializes in Operating Room.

Well, I don’t see how anything could be misinterpreted when it seems we all got the same answers. Mine looks just like yours and I listened to the darn thing twice. I am beginning to think this class is serendipitous. If you actually understand all of the information and directions, it is completely accidental!!!


I totally agree. And the more the faculty posts on the class discussion board, the more confused I get.

Reading these chapters is killing me! Already dreading the quiz. One day/week at a time. This to shall pass!

Specializes in Operating Room.
Reading these chapters is killing me! Already dreading the quiz. One day/week at a time. This to shall pass!


Did any one get their JC article topic yet?

Specializes in Operating Room.

Has any one gotten back their graded assignment 1? If so how are the grades looking?

Apparently some have received their grade and the comments per Q & A. Not me. It looks like my grade changed but nothing to file exchange yet. Difficulty with getting group to get choppin on this JC assignment. Nobody emails and posts to DB like me, TYPE A, I know:) Good luck to everyone!! 4 more weeks!!!!

Apparently some have received their grade and the comments per Q & A. Not me. It looks like my grade changed but nothing to file exchange yet. Difficulty with getting group to get choppin on this JC assignment. Nobody emails and posts to DB like me, TYPE A, I know:) Good luck to everyone!! 4 more weeks!!!!

I am so with you rosemrn, I have been posting over and over about our need to pick a questions and an article to no avail. I have spent so much time trying to ensure all the other work gets done that I haven't had time to study at all for myself for these quizzes.

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