Reassignment as a nurse

World Canada


Hi, plz someone hell me with this

if you asked to be reassigned if you disagree with a client. Reassignment is not possible because of staffing requirements. What best should you do?

- decline to provide care and explain manager it conflicts with ur beliefs

- approach ct in respectful manner and focus on their health needs

- continue to provide care, but ask a colleague if they will assume cts care

- contact clpnbc nursing practice asvisor for guidance

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).

We are paid to provide a service, not to agree or disagree with the beliefs of those in our charge.

Put principles before personalities.

And welcome to, Jasgun!

Sry its help not hell

Explain to your instructor that you don't understand what is being asked because the question writer didn't use approved abbreviations.


Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Moved to the Canadian Nursing forum

If there is no room to reassign then you just get on with work and do what you have to do

Specializes in Critical care.

Mind your own business and do your job. You don't have to agree with a patient's beliefs to provide them care- depending on what that belief is it could actually be discrimination.

I believe the clpnbc standards will guide you with your decision

I believe the clpnbc standards will guide you with your decision

How do we know OP lives in BC or is an LPN?

This sounds like a homework question.

Specializes in Urgent Care, Oncology.
How do we know OP lives in BC or is an LPN?

This sounds like a homework question.

"contact clpnbc nursing practice asvisor for guidance" LPN/British Columbia

This probably is a homework question.

Specializes in ER, LTC, IHS.

You just continue to provide care. That's one of the first things I was never taught is that you leave your judgements at the door and you take care of your patients

Specializes in Hospice, Palliative Care.

As long as I'm not being asked to DO something against my belief system (for example, commit murder or participate in committing murder), then I serve everyone without bias or concern about conflicting belief systems. Jasgun, can you go into more details as to what is the real issue?

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