It has come to my attention that BREAKS are being taken at the BEGINNING of the shift DURING BUSY times on the unit. This is unacceptable and it is the responsibility of each staff member to come to work prepared to work and NOT shop online, take multiple breaks, and gossip. It is very unprofessional to be socializing LOUDLY at the nurse's station and I will not tolerate it. I need staff that are committed to making this the best unit and providing the BEST care. The charge nurse and myself do not have time to babysit and instruct you on how and when to do your job. The charge nurse is responsible for leading the team and if she feels at any time that a particular staff member is not performing standard care, she will not hesitate to take action and dismiss the staff member from work for the rest of shift without pay with instruction to follow up with me before returning. Please forgive me in advance to the staff dedicated and prepared to work full throttle each shift, this email is not directed to you."
Really? This is the kind of work environment I have to deal with. Does this sound like something any manager should say? I had to laugh to myself reading this. Your thoughst?