3rd times a charm... that's what they say right?

Nursing Students NCLEX


I graduated the VN program back in October 2006.

I took the NCLEX for the first time in March 2007.


I took the NCLEX again for the second time in July 2007.


By this time my hopes of passing have slapped me in the face twice. I decided to take a break because I figured I just wasn't doing something right. Maybe studying out of the wrong book? Or maybe I suffer from test anxiety? I don't know... Anyway, I let some time pass. I landed a new job which is way better than my previous, moved into an apartment with my boyfriend, and also 7 months pregnant!! OH WOW!! So this NCLEX has been boggling my mind for quite some time now. My friend even joked that if I were to take my NCLEX this time around I'd "have 2 brains instead of 1!" So my life pretty much defines that I NEED TO PASS THIS TEST. So....

I took the NCLEX again for the third time on June 11, 2008.


I called the BVNPT on monday and the lady nonchalantly replied that they are still overlooking the tests taken on June 3rd so they haven't gotten to mine yet. Today marks 4 weeks for me and I am slowly beginning to think the worst. I do remember some items on the test: tons of SATA, tons of MEDS, tons of priority nursing. My test stopped somewhere in the early 100's... I was too focused on the questions and answering the best I can that I didn't get a chance to check what number I was on. I took a review course at an adult school and the instructor advised that we use the latest edition of Saunders which is what I used to study day in and day out. Anyway, the lady told me it'd probably be another 2 weeks before I get my results. And so, the waiting continues...:no:

third Time Is A Charm! I Passed!!! Wooooooohoooooooo!!!!

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! :yeah::yeah::yeah:

Specializes in LTC.

yahoooo! Congrats to you!:yeah:

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Congrats, your testimony is encouragement for others!:yeah:

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