Racial relations in the UK

World International


Specializes in Psychiatric & Critical Care.

I'm a nursing student in the U.S. and I am entertaining the idea of visiting and maybe moving to the UK. I am curious about what race relations are like there. Is racism a problem in the UK?? Are there a lot of minorities there?? Is there a sort of unofficial segregation of the races as far as schooling, socializing, etc. like there is here in some places in the US?? Any honest info would be very helpful. :) Monique

Hi Monique,

I've a feeling this thread will certainly become a 'hot topic'. It's a big issue in the UK and I could sit here and discuss it with you all day but just off to work right now :o

Be back later,

Tina :)


I'm white so perhaps not the best person to make any comments :chuckle but what I know is that - no there is no segregation in schools etc but there are areas within most city where there are a large majority of people who are not white and so the schools within that area will be predominantly (for example) Asian. I think I am right in saying that they are (more often than not) less afluent areas. However there is a mix of ethcin backgrounds within all areas (less so in the countryside).

I have a friend from Zambia who decided not to buy a house in a certain area as she was told that this particular area was not so (how shall I say it) racially tolerant - however it was white co-workers etc that advised her of this. She likes this country and she says that the people are so nice ..... but not everybody is nice :uhoh21: I like to think that the majority are :)

But as i pointed out I am white and live in a nice area so what I know or understand may not be the same as others. :)

Kay the 2nd :)

Specializes in RN, BSN, CHDN.

Well whay can one say a very hot topic. I live on the south coast of Uk so the area was predominatly white, but it is a big military area for the navy, so the population is transient.

On my ward we have a multitude of people from all over the world we have a white south african, a black south african, a fillopino nurse, a nurse from India, one from France and me who is a white north of England girl.

I grew up in a mulitcultural society and have always has friends from different walks of life, so never had any preducies. Since moving down to the south coast in '99 I found this very small town to have more preducies than the large city I came from, and I was laughed at and scorned for my Northern accent and was underestimated because 'Southerners' presumed i was stupid because of the way I spoke !!!

On the whole I would like to believe we as a nation are better towards people who are of the ethnic minorities than we used to be in times gone by, but There is and always will be need for improvement.

After 9/11 muslims had a particular hard time, and I am unsure if this situation has improved?

Specializes in midwifery, ophthalmics, general practice.

yes hot topic........

I live on the outskirts of London and I've worked in London hospitals. I've worked with nurses of all shapes and sizes.. and never met any problems- nor have have my ethnic friends. I will say. as a tutor at a local university, I have noticed that Black nurses tend to segregate themselves in classes! you tend to get the Black nurses off in a huddle leaving everyone else to work together. as a tutor I work hard to stop that.. we need to work together.

there is racisim........but it exists across the board, you cant say its black v white etc. I've been accused of being racist ( I wouldnt do a students homework for them so they said I was racist- they are no longer training to be a nurse) the problems exist when we have people entering our society and taking more than others percieve to right. we have a large refugee population where I work.. and some are accepted, others are not, for various reasons, mainly due to how they intergrate themselves (coming into my surgery and trying to kill another patient because they happen to be from an opposing faction in your home country is not how to endear yourself to us) Most of the tension where I am is not between Black/white but rather eastern europeans continuing the fight that already exists in their own country.

most of the time we get on just fine with everyone...... and I do have friends of all shapes, sizes and colours...


yes hot topic........

there is racisim........but it exists across the board, you cant say its black v white etc.


You certainly can not! Being Welsh I have received a huge amount of what could be perceived as racism during my years of working in England. Fortunately, I have always taken it well :chuckle as 99% of the time I certainly did not perceive it as racist - rather as harmless UK regional humour!! That other 1% of the time usually turned out to be rather sticky.

Onto the colour/ethnicity issue. I work corporately in a NHS Trust in the south Wales valleys. Our patient population area covers approx 180,000 people with an ethnicity of less than 1%. Not too far away in the main cities, the ethnicity percentage is much larger as it always is in cities. We, and neighbouring Trusts, have recruited nurses from overseas for the last 4 years or so (our Trust has only recruited once from the Philippines). Surprisingly, we have retained 95% of our original cohort who have their children in schools, learning Welsh as part of the curriculum, and their familes here with them. They appear to have settled very well into communities that were previously regarded as ethnically naive to a point and perhaps, therefore, intolerant.

However, there is still an amount of racism evident in our area. I have worked with the police Race Hate team recently regarding racist grafitti aimed at overseas nurses living in the valleys. Unfortunately, these nurses are employed in local nursing homes and feel that they can not speak out against attacks. Conversely, and to highlight 'racism', the Race Hate team mentioned that they would probably have more complaints of racism from English members of our community after Wales had beaten them at rugby a few weeks ago :chuckle



Oh no don't start on the Welsh - English thing :rolleyes: . What a can of worms. :chuckle

Kay the 2nd :)

I am going to psot in this thread so I can follw the developments. Very interesting.

Oh no don't start on the Welsh - English thing :rolleyes: . What a can of worms. :chuckle

Kay the 2nd :)

:smiley_ab :chuckle

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.
:smiley_ab :chuckle




We live in Cardiff, spent a good few years in North Wales...my son was born there. My husband and daughter were born in the Midlands. :chuckle But we all cheer for Wales. :) Much to his mothers disgust :uhoh3:

Kay the 2nd :)

Specializes in midwifery, ophthalmics, general practice.


I'm scottish...........was sent south to educate the English! as you can see, I am failing badly......

and I will cheer for anybody playing England..

its not a race thing... more inbred than that!


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