Published Oct 25, 2005
57 Posts
Has anyone else had this problem? Anytime I mention that I am planning on going into a nursing program, I get the skeptical look and a laugh. I get treated like the idea of me being an RN is ridiculous, even funny. Why is that? Yes, I know nursing is hard and stressful and most days nurses wonder did I do the right thing? But I love to help people, I feel so good after I've helped someone and I can HEAR the Gratitude and pleasure in their voice. I'm not a stupid person, I was a good student in high school, people tell me I'm intelligent, etc....But why is it so far fetched that I want to be a nurse????:angryfire
202 Posts
It sounds to me like you have the right attitude. It is about helping people. I made more money before I became a nurse and the work wasn't nearly as tough. But helping people is worth it. If it is your dream to be a nurse, then go for it.
99 Posts
OMG!!!!!! I totally know how you feel when I told my family that i was going back to school to become a nurse Know one thought I would do it! and it pissed me off sooooooo bad! Well I just finished my pre req's and have to say iv done pretty well. My whole family is sooo proud of me and I cant help think to my self haaa hhaaa I told you so! go for it and prove everyone wrong!! It gave me the extra motivation and it will for you....
304 Posts
without knowing your or your family, maybe they think you are squeamish???Most people consider nursing to be , well, having to deal with gross things, as sometimes it is, and thats what they are thinking???
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,709 Posts
Good luck. If you want to be a nurse and you think you can do it, follow your heart and don't worry what others think.
I would also surround myself with more supportive people. If they are family members, kindly inform them they are hurting your feelings and you'd like support.
If they are your "friends", dump them, they aren't really your friends. Real friends are supportive and not hurtful and who needs negative unsupportive people.
I'd also be a little curious as to why you're getting this reaction so often. But I wouldn't dwell on it.
Good luck in all that you do.
875 Posts
But I love to help people, I feel so good after I've helped someone and I can HEAR the Gratitude and pleasure in their voice.
I want to just add that the gratitude and pleasure reaction is one that you may not get on a regular basis as a nurse.
Being a Nurse often requires you to be very very firm at times with people who are displaying very inappropriate behavior. Even though in the end you are helping these people, they in general are not going to fall all over you with gratitude.
So, if it is the good feeling you are looking for- you might get it more from doing a job like a personal trainer.
This is not to discourage you from being a nurse, but I think everyone needs to consider their motivations very strongly. And I have met many new graduates who also had this idea that people would be thanking them left and right for the services provided, and were very disappointed that few people do actually offer thank yous, and shocked at how poorly seeming logical adults can behave in the hospital setting...
Best Wishes. Look into Nursing seriously- talk to some nurses from different areas, and I am sure you can be a great nurse.
Before I became a Nurse I often got that look too- turns out it was just because I come off as disorganized. Well, I am a little, but not very much at work- just have a messy house!
DutchgirlRN, ASN, RN
3,932 Posts
I would blow them off. Once you're a nurse you'll receive plenty of respect (from the right people, there are always those exceptions who c/o about everything you do) When I told my family I was going to be a nurse they were very supportive and they were the only ones who mattered to me. Now that I've been a nurse for 30 years there are those doubting thomas' who are now green with envy. Revenge can be sweet and while you're making good money they'll still be earning minimum wage. Sad but true. We all have choices. Make the right one now!
69 Posts
Years ago, I was amember of the American Legion being a vietnam vet. I had long hair and beard, was almost homeless but I saved money, had a night job as Physch tech, but needed financial help. A disabled in WWII member tried to come to my rescue but couldn't make the meeting where it came to vote. I was called Mother F------ baby killer,hippy, druggy, worthless piece of thrash, and on and after everyone got in there I was voted down with hoots and howls.
There were only 3 nam viets in this post, we got together and decided to resign, but a phone call from the man who started it all convinced us to go to the next meeting. I hesitated, I had saved enough for 1 semester and had been accepted. Now I was not a born again christian yet, that is another story.In end we met, the older man walked with two cains to the podium, blessed the rest of post for not helping their fellow comrades. Fellow vets then voted to provide me tuition and books, while I worked full-time at a nearby hospital, rushed to hospital school of nursing after work.
Hard, sure but each time something would happen I had angels - my peers - help and I got through it.
A patient once declared that I was a "male Florance Nightingale" (hasn't happened yet as far as the world goes,:roll , but I did end #1 clinical, #5 scholastic, so I did OK.
Especially since I've become born again I consider myself a Health Care Minister. Jesus said we are to care for ALL God's children, especially the least of his children. Not a day goes by when I do not yhink of this responsibility, thank God He gives me wisdom, guidance, and the protection to do His work.
By the way that post is now predominately vietnam vets.
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
I would have to say that if you really want to be a nurse the first thing you need to do is quit listening to these comments. This will anchor you indeed.
I get those looks too because I am hispanic and for some reason or another many people stereotype me as being an idiot. Much to their surprise I am not quite just that
Follow your heart and you WILL get there.
151 Posts
Hey you sound like you are on the right track as far wanting to be a nurse, you definitely have the right attitude to become a nurse. Worry not about what anyone tells you, you're not doing this for them but for you and the wonderful world of nursing. I came from a gang mentality and went to school at 26, being a guy I wasn't sure if this was a good decision for me. I went to very good friend who back when I was hanging out on street-corners was a legend and a scary kind of guy(was still scary to those he had problems with at the time I asked him about school) and he wholeheartedly encouraged me to since I would one of the street kids to get into something special and get the "hell out of the nieghborhood". It was the best decision I ever made, am an RN with 20 yrs of hospital-based experience in a variety of settings and now am doing something i absolutely love(Admin. Nsg Sup) and wouldn't trade a minute of it. So go for it, good luck and if there is ever I can do to help you out while in school just drop me a line...flaerman:)
HeartsOpenWide, RN
1 Article; 2,889 Posts
I kinda have something like that happen from time to time. when I tell people I am going to be a certified nurse midwife and how much they make compared to docs, they always say, "Why not just become an OB\GYN so you can make the money" (these are usually the people that do not understand the midwifery model of care and that I am going in it for unselfish reasons, not to 'make the money' ")
93 Posts
Wait till you're a practicing nurse and people ask why you're not a doctor.