Do people have any common sense at ALL? Seriously, this family, who is unhappy about EVERYTHING and lets us all know it, is really at the limit right about now! Last night "You've got to do something NOW. Mom is really tired, and she can't sleep. Something's not right here, you have to do something. There's no reason she shouldn't be able to sleep!" On and on and on. Finally the nurse goes in (not my pt) and asks them what's up. Family says "Look at her! She's been complaining how tired she is all day long, and she can't sleep!" Nurse asks pt what's wrong, pt just shrugs. Nurse asks pt if she wants a sleeping pill. Pt says no. Family jumps all over that "she has to take it! Mom you have to take it you need some rest and you've been trying to sleep for 2 hours and you can't!" Pt finally blows up and says "I can't sleep because you guys are in here talking! When are you going to leave???" Nice, huh??? Worst thing? Family still says it's our fault!