okay, so i've heard this on a few occasions from people in my Chemistry class this summer. please help me understand this...
i've read enough on this board about pre-nursing students who've gotten straight As in their pre-requisites -- Chemistry included. have you found that people in your classes are simply striving for a "C"? if so, who did you study with?
maybe i'm shocked with that "C" attitude because i've had Chemistry before -- in both high school and as an undergrad -- and, i'm only taking this class because it wasn't the right type of Chemistry to apply to some nursing schools..... i don't think so, though. the last time that i took it was in 1992, and the concepts that we're learning seem more like new material than review. i just don't get it...
do other students in your classes think like this? i.e., that they just want to get at least a "C"? it doesn't even satisfy the 2.5 science pre-req GPA that several ADN programs in the area require...
i've learned to just nod and smile when i hear it. but, it's tripping me out. oh! and one student (who's currently an LVN) said half-heartedly, "a 'C' nurse is just as good as an 'A' nurse". i may have just swallowed a "mortified" pill, but uh-h-h-h, i would not want to be her patient with that wonderful philosophy.