Hello, I’ve recently accepted an offer at an outpatient clinic position M-F and will be starting at the beginning of next month. The hospital I currently work at required a 28 days notice and I have 3 more shifts to complete. I’ve been feeling tremendously burnt out working bedside, and we’ve been critically short staff for the longest time contributing more to my anxiety and feeling morally distress with this career... I’ve experienced some of the hardest shifts lately, and particularly my most recent one which lead me to not even want to go in for this next final 3 shifts. I’ve been crying two consecutive shifts due to the patient load and acuity and it almost feels like I’m being put on the back burner now that majority of everyone know I’m leaving. The policy requires a 4 weeks notice and calling out any one of those shifts will make you no longer Eligible for rehire ( which isn’t something I am concern about being that I’ve switched to a different hospital system ). I’m mainly worried about repercussion from management and personally I don’t want to let my teammates down ( those that matter to me ) but I am at the point where I’ve reached my limit. Just needing senior advice and outside perspective because I am certain I will be calling out my last 3 shifts.