Quit Orientation: Help With New Job

Nurses General Nursing


Specializes in Long term care.

I have posted about this before. I don't want to come across as the newish nurse that complains constantly about their job, but I guess I need advice/ need to vent/ feel as if I am at a cross roads at my company. I work for a relatively large non-profit hospital network. I was super pumped to get the job. I had 7 months experience prior at a SNF and I was super excited to try something new and different- primary care (both adults and peds). I started this job in July- about a month ago. I began orientation at an adult primary care clinic that is mostly spanish speaking. My first week of orientation, my preceptor didn't let me do anything aside from checking the crash cart and her documentation. She on many occasions told me she was going to treat me as a brand new nurse or a student. I was super bummed, but after talking to my husband- thought well maybe this is how she teaches. At the end of week 1- she told me she didn't trust me to do anything right and that I wasn't taking orientation seriously. The one wound care she let me do, she made me re-do it three times. Things were also super slow because of COVID, so there was a lot of downtime. Honestly, I probably wasn't taking things too seriously, and I take responsibility for that entirely. So the next week, I did everything she asked, I let her teach how she wanted to teach. The second week rolled by and my review was a little better. She was still doing a bunch of hand holding- wouldn't let me submit documentation without her viewing it first, standing behind me with every patient. But I was feeling more comfortable with the staff and the doctors (huge practice- 12 or so doctors, 15 or so medical assistants). Week 3 came by and she no longer wanted to help me. It seemed like everytime I asked a question, she gave me quite a bit of attitude- like I should know the answer to these questions. The past couple days, I have been seeing patients by myself/doing all the documentation/ scheduling new appointments etc. I was pretty proud of myself- navigating all of this on my own, often times with limited spanish. Today, preceptor called me into her office and said a bunch of stuff that was really discouraging.

1) "If you make it through the 90 days, you are going to have to be able to work at lots of clinics". (I am in a position where I can be placed at many different clinics). I almost said.."what do you mean if"? But I just let her continue. I was super offended that she would phrase it this way- that she didn't think I would make it out of the probation period.

2) She started grilling me on random facts- what do you wear for contact precautions. I had the correct answer, but also threw face mask in there because... well we are always wearing face masks. She used that as an opportunity to tell me I was an unsafe nurse. 

3) Refused to mark off skills I had clearly shown her I was more than proficient in. I am aware I have a lot of things to learn. And I was excited about learning them. Now I am just dreading any contact with her. 

4) She basically told me it was time for me to move to a different clinic. And that I was going to be placed somewhere else for the next week and wasn't going to be working with her anymore. She phrased it like she wanted me to experience something else, but I really got the impression that she just didn't want to deal with me anymore.

I just feel like this job might not be working out for me. I feel exhausted and defeated and like maybe I shouldn't even be a nurse. In my previous job, I had positive reviews from my supervisors. I took care of my patients, and always viewed myself as a safe nurse who could critically think pretty well. I just feel like no matter what I do I can't win. 

" I was going to be placed somewhere else for the next week and wasn't going to be working with her anymore. "  Don't quit, since you are getting away from a LOUSY preceptor.  It's HER not you.

Enjoy your new experience in the new clinic. Let us know how it's going.


Specializes in Dialysis.
3 hours ago, Been there,done that said:

" I was going to be placed somewhere else for the next week and wasn't going to be working with her anymore. "  Don't quit, since you are getting away from a LOUSY preceptor.  It's HER not you.

Enjoy your new experience in the new clinic. Let us know how it's going.


exactly. At least someone else can get their eyes on your abilities and guide you. Breathe a sigh of relief

Specializes in UR/PA, Hematology/Oncology, Med Surg, Psych.

I'm trying to get a clearer picture of this situation and would you clarify some things for me?  I see that you are a RN, what is your actual role in the office, are you doing triage?  Is your preceptor a nurse and is he/she your boss?  Exactly what problems did he/she have with your wound care that you needed to do it three times?  Have you asked your preceptor why she wasn't signing off on demonstrated skills, and if so, what did he/she say?

Specializes in Long term care.

I am an RN. My job right now is that I am training so that I can work in multiple departments. My preceptor is not my boss, just someone who is training me. He is the head nurse in one of the departments and only one of three nurses in the department. The problems she had with my wound care, were that according to them I was the pattern I was wrapping the arm, keeping sterile fields and dirty fields on opposite sides of my body, apparently not being organized enough, the time I was taking. There were other things, but honestly I can not remember them all during the three separate wound cares I did on the same arm. I asked why she wouldn't sign off on some of my skills specifically, SQ injections, IM injections, PO medications because I have been successfully giving medication for the past couple weeks, and she said she wasn't confident I could do all of these things correctly. I made no med errors/ went through all patient rights every single time... so I don't really know what I need to do to prove to her I can give an IM injection or PO Tylenol. Today was pretty bad as well, she wouldnt let me do the wound care today, she refused to leave her office/ and raised her voice at me when I asked her a question (which I had to ask by calling her). Monday is my last day in this department. Im getting moved somewhere else. Maybe its for the best, but it has been pretty not good.  

Specializes in UR/PA, Hematology/Oncology, Med Surg, Psych.

I think it will probably be much better when you are out from under this preceptor.  She sounds awful and not encouraging at all to you.  Especially when you have started a new position which is stressful in and of itself.  I bet that the other areas you train in will be much more welcoming.  And I also bet that everyone knows that she is a witch.


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