Quincy College Spring 2018

Nursing Students School Programs



I have applied to Quincy College's ASN part-time program for Spring 2018. I was wondering if anyone that has completed this program before could give me some insight. If I were to get in, does the program start right at the beginning of January or towards the end? Also, they said that we would be hearing if we got in or not around mid-October. Does anyone know when they usually do the orientation? Is it in October or is it closer to January? Thanks in advance!

Also if anyone else applied to the program and they start hearing back, please let me know!

Last I heard of any issues with the BON was back in like 2011, but I believe they were since resolved. Were there any recent issues?????

This past June the Mass board of nursing put them on warning, along with Bunker Hill and 5 other programs. I currently attend Bunker hill and they made sure to have a meeting for the students about the warning, and have it on the programs website, with FAQS for people, I have yet to see it on Quincys website, so wondering if they are trying to cover it up, which worries me , I don't go there so I can't speak on whether or not they have said something to the current students.

I take that back they have added something to the website about it.

Specializes in Addictions, Psych.

Bunker Hill's "warning" status caused them to eliminate the evening program from the Spring semester -- it's why I didn't apply there.

I noticed that Bunker Hill put their warning status in red letters at the front page whereas Quincy's is a bit inconspicuous. That does make me nervous as well. If they happened to shut down the program when students were in the middle of it, would everyone just have to start over somewhere else??

Exactly Quincy's being more inconspicuous is what make me nervous. I read on their website that they had a review in September and the final one in December, that will determine whether or not they get off the warning, or shut down, not sure about staying on it. The only good thing will be that if we were to get accepted we would know before the beginning of classes, what the programs futures is.

Specializes in Addictions, Psych.

Aleja, have you tried calling them again? I want to but I'm scared hahah.

I know! I'm so anxious. Anyone hear anything yet?

sounds like ppl on another thread are hearing back...

No going to call rn Wil let you guys know.

"Hi everyone! Check your Campus Portal. I just did and noticed I got in yay! Good Luck "

found on another thread....

Specializes in Addictions, Psych.
"Hi everyone! Check your Campus Portal. I just did and noticed I got in yay! Good Luck "

found on another thread....

That might be only if you're a current Quincy student. Transfer students don't have access to anything in the MyQC portal.

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