Quiet time in nicu

Specialties NICU


Do your units have a quiet time to allow the babes to rest? Our unit had a policy of quiet between 1-2pm, NO visitors allowed, not even parents. This has been extended to 1-3pm, same rules apply, only mums allowed in if the babe needs a breastfeed at that time. Some mums upset at this , both with the length of time and that they arent allowed to sit in peace and quiet with their baby for two whole hours! Some mothers feel the need to spin out the breast feeds so they arent asked to leave! Also some of our mums travel some distance every day since our unit was centralised,and have no where to go during these two hours, apart from the cafeteria, (expensive on a daily basis!). I feel this is unfair to parents, our rules are pretty inflexible. we practise using a developmental care model, its very important to us, so I understand the reasons behind this extended time but I feel its too long and too rigid. Boss not sympathetic, when trying to reason with her about a mum who had travelled a fair distance and just wanted to sit with her babe during "quiet time" I was asked whos side I was on!!!!!:angryfire any variations on length and "RULES" for quiet time?

I get ya Gompers and totally agree. Parents may never overstimulate babies where some of the other posters work, but some do where I work. I have had many parents wake a baby on purpose because they want the visitor to see them with their eyes open. Or startle them because they think it's "cute". Most parents are fine and like you I have no problem with them being quiet at the bedside.

No Gompers. I agree that our pts need quiet time. I just disagree with the OPs NM to kick out the parents, as if they are the cause of their babies distress.

Specializes in NICU, Infection Control.

My understanding of a "quiet time" has more to do w/the unit's activities, not the parents.

For 1-2 hours, no rounds, no exams, no harrassment of any sort. Parents can visit and hold and feed, but lights are turned down, voices are kept lower (which parents usually get, but if not, it can be explained), beepers and phones are as quiet as possible. If VS and a feeding are due, it can be a non-handling if possible (vs off the monitors and bed, hook up feeding, change diaper only if there's been a major occurance or there are skin issues. Just like you'd do if you had a toddler who needed a nap.

Wouldn't it be nice if the nurses had 'quiet time" too. :chuckle

Specializes in NICU, Infection Control.

Quiet time for the babies turns out to BE quiet time for the nurses--at least once you get the Docs in line!

We do have quiet time in my unit too and it's normally around 12noon to 2pm, it also coinsides with visiting hours but we do seek understanding from parents and other medical team members that no practicals are allowed unless it's emergency. We will dim the lights too.

As for the parents because that's the only time they are allowed to visit the babies during the daytime so we can't turn them away. Some parents even come to visit because that's their lunch hour.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, educator.

We don't. We try to educate the parents on "alone time" for the babes...either by leaving them in the isolette, or kangaroo care without the visitors milling about.

Sometimes I wish we did have an hour to ourselves to get stuff done though!

Wouldn't it be nice if the nurses had 'quiet time" too. :chuckle

YES!!! It is for the nurses isn't it?!

We used to have a schedualed "Quiet Hour" each shift. We no longer have this...put practice it just the same. However we do always have parents access anytime...remember they are Not visitors We are! You should use that line with your manager!

We are in the middle of trying to make our area truely "family centered" and are in the process of reviewing tones of evals from families. Had the first big meeting a week ago. We have a long way to go...and I was dismayed because I thought we were doing better than that!

When in the step-down area, we try to turn off all the lights at least 1 hour at night...more if we can for each baby. I no longer wake babys for feedings, I go by clues and if they have none I tube feed and let the baby sleep...things like that. We encourage parents to do K Care with quiet time. I love that! But our unit is several rooms with 6 -9 beds each so it's hard in the day to practice true quiet hour.

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