130-140 questions and UNSURE


Hello. I have seen very few posts regarding passing or failing within the 130-140 question range. I stopped looking at the screen after question 120. I know the number of questions doesn't matter in comparison to the percentage that are considered to be nursing level, but I am still nervous. I know I received a blend of questions that included two select all that apply, chemo, drug calculations with dopamine, etc. I really don't remember the test very much other than that. I feel absolutely numb. I have wanted this all of my life. Kaplan would have worked great for me EXCEPT that a lot of my questions had either intervention choices for a particular question or only assessment choices. I never seemed to have a lot of intervention AND assessment choices in the same question. :o I then did ABC's and MASLOW, but that didn't always work either. For example I sometimes found my four interventions were related to GI or GU. To my dismay, I found that I had to think about the last part of Kaplan (the expected outcome). UGH! The second part of my exam seemed easier than the first half, but I still have no idea how I performed. I know I am focusing back on the numbers thing, but has anyone here failed or passed in the 120-160 range? Also, I live in California where the wait is horrible. I just hope that I pass. :plsebeg:

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

To be honest it is hard to decide whether you have passed or failed with any type of numbers. Hopefully the wait won't be too long. Good luck

Specializes in LDRP.

(((HUGS))) Hang in there-I know it is very stressful!

Silverdragon102 is right on. While I'm sure that somewhere in our archives you could find posts addressing just about every number of questions, it simply does not matter in terms of predicting pass/fail. It's natural to want to read into what you perceive as clues, but the exam just isn't set up like that.

Hang in there! Let us know how it turns out.

I passed my NCLEX RN! I looked my name up on the BON this morning. I was so happy (and shocked) when I found out that I was literally short of breath. I feel so relieved now, but I am still trembling. This has certainly been such a long haul. I thank everyone for their support. This website has provided such great insight into various individual experiences, not to mention resources. Thank you everyone. Best wishes to everyone who is waiting the results of their boards and good luck to the ones whose boards are still yet to come.

I now see some immediate unwinding in my future...:tbsk:


Specializes in Telemetry/Med Surg.

Congratulations!!! :balloons:

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.


Congrats!...so did you wait 3 days to see your name on CA BON?....

Yes. It took 3 business days to see the results on the California Board of Nursing. The wait drove me crazy, but at least it was posted fairly quickly.

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