Hi, everyone. I'm a first year nursing student and I know basically nothing about the nursing process. I've had a terrible start to my first semester. The night of my first day of class my husband ingested an entire bottle of tylenol. I called an ambulance and he was later admitted to the ICU. He was there from Monday night through today (Thursday). On Tuesday morning I went to visit him and he was sleeping the whole time. He woke once and vomited on himself. The nurses changed his sheets. The next day he woke and still had an IV but they had removed his NG tube. He was awake and aware. That night (Wednesday) he soiled himself twice through the night. Same thing, nurses changed his bedding. Thursday they removed his IV and he was later discharged.
My question is....why was he not given a bed bath? Is that a normal thing in these circumstances? I ask from two viewpoints, that of a student who is curious about typical procedures and that of a wife who is a little annoyed at the lack of attention.