Question to all Nursing students working part time while in Nursing School.

Nursing Students General Students


Hi there,

I just wanted to know how your work load, stress level, fatigue, and etc is working part time while in Nursing School.

I've been thinking about working part time throughout nursing school so I can have extra money to pay for the gas and food.

My routine is usually go to school, come home, chores (1hr), exercise(30min) and then study (5hrs) everyday.

I'll be starting Nursing School this fall (Yay!).

Thoughts please :)


Lol I wish I didn't have to work! I'm working weekends only from 12p to 12a. I hear that if you don't need to work, don't work at all! The course work may require your full time and attention. This is coming from recent grads in the ED. I haven't started yet, so I'll let you know once school starts if I'm still alive.

Specializes in L&D.

If you don't have to, I wouldn't encourage working until the latter part of your studies(as say a nurse tech or something).

After August, I will have completed 1 year of my ADN program and will have 9 months left. Starting mid August, I start orientation for a nurse tech job at a local hospital....Not only does this give me a bit more experience in the hospital setting, let me practice some skills, I get to evaluate the unit(Ill be on peds for a bit then L&D) and also lets the hosp. evaluate me. I don't know the numbers but a good bit of nurse techs get offered RN positions once they graduate.

I have 4 kids, so I've got a very busy schedule, plus volunteer work, but I plan to work 12 hr night shifts on Fri/Sat.

Specializes in Nursing Assistant.

hi there! i just finished my first semester in may, will be heading into my second semester this august...

i currently have a 1+ hr commute to and from school. my workload in the spring was 13 credit hrs [12 is fulltime]. i am a prn aide at a nursing home in the town i live in and am required to work only two days a month. from january till march i was doing just that. in april however, i didn't work. the demands of class were intense-to the point i couldn't fit two days in! luckily my work is very understanding as a lot of the staff is in school. i did have some girls in my class who worked every other weekend or part time. sometimes you just have to, if you have bills/kids, etc... my plan is to work this summer and save up and then start all over in the fall! everyone is different on how they handle their workload. it works for some and not for others.

I'm working e/o weekend with the option of picking up if I can. I've been trained to be person in charge, which is an extra $2/hr. I can also do homework in the downtimes.

Specializes in Nursing Assistant.
I'm working e/o weekend with the option of picking up if I can. I've been trained to be person in charge, which is an extra $2/hr. I can also do homework in the downtimes.

It's awesome that you can do homework at work!

Hey! My name is Jen from Brooklyn NY and just graduated in May. I worked 3 jobs to get through school and it was totally worth every minute of it. I believe that the more you can take on the better organized you become. I am an exercise fanatic so definitely keep that going for a release. I did a lot of crossfit high intensity short circuits so Id break a sweat in less than 20minutes and have time for hw,etc. Go girl you can do it!!!

Specializes in Nursing Assistant.
Hey! My name is Jen from Brooklyn NY and just graduated in May. I worked 3 jobs to get through school and it was totally worth every minute of it. I believe that the more you can take on the better organized you become. I am an exercise fanatic so definitely keep that going for a release. I did a lot of crossfit high intensity short circuits so Id break a sweat in less than 20minutes and have time for hw,etc. Go girl you can do it!!!

Three jobs at one time? With how many credit hrs and for how long?

I work a full time job and have 3 kids with one on the way. I am starting my nursing program this September. I seemed to have no problem handling it all when I was doing my prereqs. I am a medical transcriptionist though and I do my work at home, so I feel my job will actually help me while I am in the program.

My fiance wants me to get a job, I want a job for the extra money and work experience, but with school and a baby on the way, I'm not sure if its a good idea.

I think I can do it, but it would take a toll on me, and I really want to be top of my class, which will be hard any ways, much less with a job.

When I first started nursing school I tried working part time. Nursing school became to demanding for me, so i quit my job to focus on school. There are a number of people in my class that works part time and there are a few that works full time. Some people are able to work, go to school, and handle family time, it all depends on the person. I know another person who put work before school and she ended up failing. You have to decide when you start nursing school rather or not if you are able to handle school, working, and family time. I gave up working to focus on school (any extra time I have I try spending with my family (which isn't a lot))for two years. My husband and I are both in the nursing program together, we take out student loans to live off of. If you aren't able to work apply for student loans and scholarships. Money is tight while going through nursing school, but I keep reminding myself less than a year left and we will both be RNs :). Congratulations on getting in the Nursing program :)

Good luck, you can do anything you put your mind to. What may work for one, may not work for another. One of my friends who have a family, worked full time all the way through, me on the other hand have a family, and can only handle working perm diem, no work on the weekends before my exams. And some of my single friends, no children, lived at home and refused to work. You're the only person that knows you well.

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