Pumping to induce labor??

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A friend of mine who is 8 days overdue, was told by her midwife that pumping with a breast pump can help induce labor. It makes sense to me, but that is the first I ever heard of it. Anyone familiar with this?


Specializes in Maternal - Child Health.

Pumping causes the release of oxytocin, the natural form of Pitocin, and can stimulate labor.

I've never actually had a (labor) patient pump her breasts, as simple nipple stimulation is usually sufficient, and less cumbersome. But if a patient is more comfortable using a breast pump to stimulate her nipples, I don't see any reason why not.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

Breast stimulation (not just pumping) causes the release of oxytocin (nature's pitocin) which MAY stimulate natural labor if a woman is ready.

Schmoo1022 said:
A friend of mine who is 8 days overdue, was told by her midwife that pumping with a breast pump can help induce labor. It makes sense to me, but that is the first I ever heard of it. Anyone familiar with this?


My labor started, went for 6-8 hours, then stalled. I got out the pump and gave it a shot. The contractions picked up for a while while I was pumping, then tapered off again (I was 6 cm though) So I think it helped in my case.

Plain old nipple stimulation (rolling between fingers, etc) is supposed to work too although I didn't try that.

One of the main points with nipple stimulation that is being done to induce production of Oxytocin, is that the nipple must be stretched, not just rubbed. The breast pump does exactly this and works beautifully. And mom should stop touching her nipple (or using the breast pump) once a contraction starts, being careful not to "hyperstim" her uterus with all of that oxytocin. It is a very effective way to induce or augment labor ... the hospital does the exact same thing but we put the hormone in a bag and give it to you in an IV!

If it is "time" for your friend (knowing that due dates aren't an exact science), she should have success with this method. Best of luck to your friend! ?

Specializes in LTC, home health, critical care, pulmonary nursing.

When my friend was pregnant with her son, she was at least a week overdue, and someone had told her that nursing would stimulate contractions, so her boyfriend, um, nursed. She didn't go into labor, and her boyfriend said "that's thirty minutes I'll never get back."

Specializes in Ante-Intra-Postpartum, Post Gyne.

It has to do with the release of oxytocin. I have heard of woman "nursing" other women's baby to help get labor going. Sex it a great way to get labor going to because semen has natural prostlagins (probably spelled that wrong) in it, which is synthesized through such things as cervidil.(sp?)

Pumping your breast makes the uterus contract which does induce labor. If your friend is 8 days overdue she should have already been induced if she was going to a physician. Mid-wives like to play the wait it out game, and let birth take it's natural course. You can also tell your friend that she could have sexual intercourse to induce labor, because an orgasm stimulates the uterus to contract and will do a better job then the pumping of the breast.

Specializes in Cath Lab, OR, CPHN/SN, ER.

I've heard this as well, but heard it was not recommended- what I heard was you would waste your colostrum? (Did I even spell that right?) Anyone heard of this?

The only thing I did to help induce my labor was being admitted and having some pit pumped into me. I tried just about everything else (except jumping on a trampoline, b/c I don't think I could get on or off of it).

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

Don't tell your friend to do anything without the advice and consent of her doctor/midwife, please. Best wishes to her. Hopefully her labor is joyful and safe.

I had both of my boys early (5.2 weeks early) and my OB/GYN told me that I should avoid nipple stimulation and sex once I started having contractions (1st baby at 32 wks and second baby at 21 wks). He said that it could bring on more contractions because I was starting to dilate so early.

I would think that (my personal opinion) if you do that you COULD bring on labor if your body is ready.

Again, this is just my personal opinion. Tell her good luck with the birth and new baby.

Aneroo said:
I've heard this as well, but heard it was not recommended- what I heard was you would waste your colostrum? (Did I even spell that right?) Anyone heard of this?

The only thing I did to help induce my labor was being admitted and having some pit pumped into me. I tried just about everything else (except jumping on a trampoline, b/c I don't think I could get on or off of it).

No waste involved as breast milk is produced on a supply and demand. To release oxytocins you need to express for 20 to 30 mins hand expressing is fine ans usually more effective than a pump in early days of expressing it is important to use the right technique for effective release of hormones if sterile pot is used the colostrum can be saved to give to babe in the early days to help with breast feeding.

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