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About jack786

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  1. Additonal requirements

  2. Excelsior seems to have lot of red tape associated with it. I am a non LPN considering doing EC route to getting an RN. I was wodnering who here has gone through the program and has suceeded in...
  3. Hey Guys, I spoke to my state board and they said that they will accept EC but need some additonal clinical experience/testing. They said they need testing in OB and Psych. Does EC offer any additonal...
  4. NCLEX timing

    Hey Guys, I am considering enrolling in EC and had a question about taking the NCLEX exam. If I have completed all the exams and am waiting for the CPNE exam are there any SNB that would allow me to...
  5. RN through EC

    Hey guys, I am a nrewbie to this fourm so I wanted the abcs of getting an RN from EC. Before I call them and get their biased opinions on everything, I wanted your scoop. I already have a BS so I...
  6. RN licence Requirements

    Hello guys, I had a question. What is the fastest way to get a RN licence for someone who already has a BS, fulfils all the prereqs and has substantial experience in healthcare (Eg an DO degree). Do I...