Published Sep 20, 2005
6 Posts
Hey guys, I am a nrewbie to this fourm so I wanted the abcs of getting an RN from EC. Before I call them and get their biased opinions on everything, I wanted your scoop. I already have a BS so I have had college level courses in all the pre-reqs like Psychology, sociology, anatomy, physiology, medical terminology etc. What are the exact requirements of RN through EC? Is it the Nursing concepts 1-6 or there are more courses? How fast can I complete my RN degree, is it limited by how fast I can take these exams or is there more factor? I am available pretty much full time from this november to June. How long does it take to schedule the CPNE exams and where are they held? and How long after that can I take the NCLEX exam? What type of fees should I expect from EC? If I have a BS and complete the EC program do most states other than CA accept me for a RN licence? I appreciate your help.
17 Articles; 45,833 Posts
:balloons: Hello and Welcome to
There are those who have completed EC and will be along here to assist you. Many of your questions can be answered by contacting EC directly, as you already know.
medicrnohio, RN
508 Posts
Welcome! You have to take all of the nursing concepts exams as well as the general ed requirements. You may have fulfilled these general ed courses with your previous degree. You can complete the nursing concepts classes as quickly as you are able. I did them about one a month. Some of the generals can be taken as exams through EC and others through a local CC. There is about a 5 - 6 month waiting period to take the CPNE after you finish all your classes. I took the NCLEX about 3 months after completing CPNE. Fees include enrollment fee, exam fees, CPNE fees, grad fees, etc. You need to contact the specific states you want to be licensed for their specific requirments.
146 Posts
What is your background? That might make a difference in the answer. At the shortest wait site there is a 4 1/2 month wait for the exam after they receive your application for the CPNE. There is about a 2-6 week wait (3 for me) after your last written exam before they mail you the application.
If you are already an LPN and had a b average or better I believe you can be exempted from NC2. If you are not, you need significant clinical experience before you can be accepted to the progam at all.
Nascar nurse, ASN, RN
2,218 Posts
Hello. I'm an EC ASN grad and was very happy with their program. THere is also alot of negative comments about this program to, so be sure to search out the differenct threads on here so you understand both sides. You didn't say what your BS degree is in. Do you have any medical background at all? If you don't, this is not the program for you and I doubt they will even admit you. I waited 6 full months to take CPNE. Waited at least 2 months from last exam until graduation date, then another month to take NCLEX. I thought EC was always very upfront with their information as far as costs, waiting times, etc. I think a few on here didn't bother to read the fine print or just became impatient with the process. California will not accept this degree at all and I guess several other states have some restrictions so be sure to check with your board of nursing to make sure they accept this degree. But, like I said in the beginning... I loved it. Not sure I would have ever found the time to complete a traditional program. I had been an LPN for 19 years and was very comfortable with nursing - just needed the degree. Good luck