Published Sep 19, 2005
6 Posts
Hello guys, I had a question. What is the fastest way to get a RN licence for someone who already has a BS, fulfils all the prereqs and has substantial experience in healthcare (Eg an DO degree). Do I need to complete all the nursing courses? Can I test out of some basic nursing courses which I should be able to pass easily and take the NCLEX as soon as possible. Secondly, Which states has the most flexible requirements for a RN licence in terms of not requiring formal graduation from a RN program but taking all the necessary courses for the degree.
I appreciate everyones help
thanks l
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
All require formal graduation as well as all of the courses to meet the requirements for licensure. The training in an RN program is not the same as the training for a physician. You still need to take all of the courses. There is no shortcut to getting a nursing license. Minimum time is 14 months of fulltime study in an accelerated program.
Same as I told you before.
10 Articles; 19,010 Posts
do i need to complete all the nursing courses?
can i test out of some basic nursing courses which i should be able to pass easily and take the nclex as soon as possible.
no to basic nursing courses- sbon requires you to complete course work as new
knowledge to you.
yes to a+p, nutrition, chemistry if credits from medical school are not transferred due to being over 5 years old (many schools require that).
which states has the most flexible requirements for a rn licence in terms of not requiring formal graduation from a rn program
none for rn degree.
question to you is why do you want to be an rn if already licensed in us as do?
or is it a case of foreign educated physician not yet able to practice in us?
nursing and medicine are two different types of healthcare practice. don't want to see someone take up a training slot if not serious about staying in the profession for several years as we've got enough of a shortage now.
each state board of nursing lists education program requirements with minimum number of hours spent in clinicals---see sbon list under grey "links" on top toolbar. if your still planning to move forward Accelerated BSN program will take average12-14 months with intense work.
drexel university ace program is 11 months long and a killer---search for posts in our nursing student forums for bb members program experience.
check out:
accelerated programs: the fast-track to careers in nursing
Thunderwolf, MSN, RN
3 Articles; 6,621 Posts
Excellent feedback. There are no shortcuts to being an RN. Good maintains the integrity of the profession. And so correctly stated...Nursing and Medicine are two distinct and separate disciplines. And to dispell any myths...Nursing isn't the stepping stone to Medicine. If you want a steeping stone, become a Physician's Assistant...but, even that program is just as rigorous (in some states, I believe, requiring a Master's degree in THAT field of study). No, there are no short cuts. Excellent feedback.