jeastridge BSN, RN

Faith Community Nurse (FCN)

BSN, RN, Faith Community Nurse


All Content by jeastridge

  1. Dr. Susan Moore, 52, died of complications related to COVID-19 in St. Vincent Carmel Hospital in Carmel, Indiana. A Black physician, she posted on social media about her treatment in and discharge from another area hospital. Her post describes what s...
  2. jeastridge

    Nurses Calming the Chaos of Conflict- Part 2

    Sounds like you are doing the best you can under some very challenging conditions. I hope your new co-worker changes her attitude soon! Joy
  3. The air almost crackled with the intensity of the emotions generated by the conflict between two co-workers. They “had words” about a political difference, and as they left the area to go care for their patients, they left in their wake two of us as ...
  4. jeastridge

    Nurses Calming the Chaos of Conflict- Part 2

    Thanks JBMmom for your insightful comment. I agree that learning these skills is helpful for us all. Joy
  5. “That’s it! I quit!” We all felt ourselves stiffen with tension as the voices traveled from the conference room and wrapped themselves in a layer of anxiety around all of us. The tension in our facility was high. We were all working overtime and lots...
  6. jeastridge

    Parish Nursing: A Variety of Roles

    I turned off the car and sat in Linda's driveway for a few minutes, collecting my thoughts before going on in to make what I knew would be my last visit. I had been her Parish Nurse for several years, and accompanied her through her husband's illness...
  7. Shared by: Rev. Caryl Griffin Russell, MSN, BSN, MDiv January 17, 2022 Celebrating a life-changing day, I share an experience of speaking to graduates at an assembly of an all-Black high school in South Memphis a few months after Martin Lut...
  8. Thank you, Caryl, for sharing this important memory of part of your journey in nursing and in life. I hope other readers will share memories from that era, as well.
  9. I read my email and felt that sinking sensation—change is coming and fast. The memo stated that in 7 days we would be changing over to the new system. Despite months of preparation, the looming deadline was anxiety-provoking. Would it go well? Would ...
  10. jeastridge

    Upside of Changes: Nurses Make the Best of Change

    Thank you for your thoughtful comment. Giving changes a try can be hard but with your positive attitude and your "step back" you will go far! Joy
  11. jeastridge

    Upside of Changes: Nurses Make the Best of Change

    It is certainly hard to see the bigger picture, but I agree that it often confusing. Does leadership mean well and get bad advice? I don't know. I hope your situation proves to turn out OK. Thank you for your comment. Joy
  12. As I pulled away from the home visit, I felt the grey fog envelope the car on the outside and threaten to seep into my holiday spirits. From where I sat, I could see the Christmas tree blinking crazily with artificial cheer, while the patient I had j...
  13. Bah humbug! Driving to the hospital, I reached over and clicked off the Christmas music that proclaimed a commercialized version of the holiday was fast approaching. I just wasn’t in the mood for “jolly” when all around me, I witnessed sadness, l...
  14. A Typical DNR Scenario The 90-year-old man was whisked into the Emergency Department by the rescue squad. He was found on the floor of his kitchen by his daughter and son-in-law who rushed into the area almost at the same time as the gurney pushe...
  15. While everyone’s situation and needs are different, at some basic level, there is a distinction for most of us. What matters the most to you? Case 1 ED worked overtime again on a COVID-19 unit. He was exhausted and felt let-down by the manag...
  16. jeastridge

    Nurses: Respect or Money? What Matters Most?

    Both is probably the best option! Well said. Joy
  17. Thank you for your thoughtful comment. I especially appreciate your insight regarding the need for education for the public. Joy
  18. jeastridge

    Nurses: Respect or Money? What Matters Most?

    "Staffing made me feel safe, not valued." Amen to that. Respect and money=good care. In the end that's what we all want, isn't it? Joy
  19. jeastridge

    Nurses: Respect or Money? What Matters Most?

    Thank you for sharing your experience. What you describe is a tragedy for all of us--even the administration who often end up being patients, as well. Your comments are a call for action from all of us. Thank you. Joy I appreciate your humor....
  20. jeastridge

    Nurses: Respect or Money? What Matters Most?

    Well said. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Joy
  21. Excellent point. Thank you. Joy Thank you for your comment. Joy
  22. jeastridge

    Nurses: Respect or Money? What Matters Most?

    Thank you for your thought-provoking comment. You make strong points about how important the work environment and the peer respect is. Joy
  23. jeastridge

    Nurses: Respect or Money? What Matters Most?

    This is an important point. Thank you for bringing it up. Joy
  24. Why, thank you! What a nice comment. Joy
  25. Thank you for sharing your story. It contains more than a word of caution for us all. Many facilities are now able to keep copies of the Living Will on the EMR. I am hoping that eventually this will help us all in cases like the one you shared.