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About Toothbrushx2

cat and dog lover

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  1. Bullying

    How does one :cry:deal with a nurse manager and a charge nurse who are bullies? Any tips
  2. Metformin

    My question has not been
  3. Cogentin

    Does cogentin extenuate the drug haldol? Cogentin ,does it make one
  4. Metformin

    Is metformin long acting med? If someones blood sugar is 49, would you give the med? I read that the onset of metformin is
  5. Psych Nurse ="not a REAL nurse"?

    I am a psych nurse! Yes we are real nurses.
  6. Cats and Pregnancy

    Hi Nurse Friends, I plan to get pregnant soon. I have two cats. Do I need to find them another home? I am the only one who will be cleaning the litter box. What about wearing
  7. Pregnancy and Gential Herpes

    Hi Nurse Friends, Do women with gential herpes have to have a
  8. Doula

    Hi Nurse Friends, Are more pregnant women hiring doulas now? Are doulas very helpful? Is anyone out there a
  9. Hi Nurse Friends! I am looking for some disability insurance that covers maternity. Does anyone have any info on a
  10. Psych Medications

    Hi Nurse Friends! Do some psych meds cause high cholestrol amd high trigycerides ? I take the following meds:trazodone,risperidal,depakote,wellbutrin and lexapro. I have a high prolactin level due to...
  11. Bipolar pregnant women

    Hi Nurse Friends Have you ever taken care of a pregnant bipolar? How well did she do during her
  12. Bipolar Disorder and Pregnancy ????

    Thanks stevielynn !! I will read the book.
  13. Bipolar Disorder and Pregnancy ????

    Hi Nurse Friends !! I am a 36 y/o with bipolar two disorder. I really want to have a baby but I am afraid of what may happen if I stop taking my meds. I have been on meds for three yrs. I know you...
  14. Z track method

    Thanks you EJM
  15. Zoloft???

    You can be anything you want and take zoloft. I take a lot of psy meds and I am a nurse. I am planning on pursuing my RN in Jan. Your son is being