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All Content by waiting4ivpush

  1. Lacking Focus&Motivation

    idk if i was depressed, but I was definitely stressed. but im going back to the gym again after 2 months off. Honestly the gym is what keeps me sane and focused. I noticed once I stopped going to the gym, a snowball effect happened. THanks though app...
  2. Lacking Focus&Motivation

    YOU KNOW WHAT. SCREW IT. There are numerous amounts of people in far worst situations than I am in. I need to stop being a little b**ch and get it together.
  3. going to take teas soon. any tips, ideas

    reading this with only two weeks and some days left to study for it, makes me feel vulnerable.
  4. Lacking Focus&Motivation

    I know, trust me I know. I was fine the pass two semesters. Over the summer my father had a stroke. Helping him rehabilitate has thrown my schedule off. My sleep has been poor, caring for myself has been poor. Last weekend I worked out my schedule so...
  5. Results?

    How long after completing the exam do you receive the results? The application deadline for my school's nursing program (laguardia community college) is October 20th (my birthday ). I need to show the nursing department at my school my test results b...
  6. And Off I Go!

    volunteer at a local hospital is what i would recommend. looks good on resume, introduces you to the hospital setting. If you can, maybe consider doing a phlebotomy course? that would help with IV and drawing blood skills. EKG course is a benefit als...
  7. Results?

    Hypothetically speaking (or maybe something like this happened to you), let us say your school required from you, to show them your test results either the same day, or within 1-3 days after taking the test... would you have been able to do that? So ...
  8. Results?

    Did you have to pay extra to get test results immediately? And in what way did you get it back? Meaning, was it a visual result where you can see it but weren't able to bring a physical copy of the results? Or did they give you a piece of paper sayin...
  9. Studying for the TEAS

    Hello everyone, I just received the test prep book by mail from the ATI company that creates the TEAS exam. I'm going to start studying from it next week. For those that took the TEAS exam and did well, would you mind answering a few questions for me...
  10. TEAS Test

    gonna subscribe to this to read later.
  11. Need some academic advice from you.

    I'll try to keep it simple and to the point. If you need any clarifications on anything please feel free to inform me... -------- In order to apply for my school's ADN-RN program, I need to take one *key* class left which would be Chemistry. While ta...
  12. Need some academic advice from you.

    And if anyone has taken microbiology, or another demanding science course during your Nursing classes, how did you get by? What was it like? Did one study of a class interfere with another?
  13. I passed Statistics!!

    congratulations! I'm taking Elementary Statistics in a 6 week course. Any advice? What tools did you use at your disposal? My class is a hybrid class. Part of it is online through pearson.
  14. Hardest part about a&p for you?

    bone markings were definitely annoying. I still don't know them to this day lol. Muscle physiology was quite a nuisance for me, along with respiratory. Anatomy was the easiest.
  15. Preparing for A&P

    Go on Khan Academy and look up their human biology videos. I would say do about two-three videos a week depending on how well prepared you want to be for the upcoming semester. It was a valuable source of learning for me. Also +1 on buying a coloring...
  16. A&P.......I need some opinions

    Depends on how competitive your Nursing program is. If you think you have a shot with that B, continue striving to maintaining that B. If your school's program is competitive, I would either drop it now and pick a different course over the summer. Ha...
  17. Done with anatomy

    Thank you! Appreciate the words of kindness
  18. Done with anatomy

    After fretting for the last month, being on the borderline of B / A for a grade, leaning towards more a B, Anatomy and Physiology is over! Got an A- ! So glad it's over... kind of. I still have A&P 2 left lol. Save that beast for another day. Unt...
  19. Done with anatomy

    Don't hope, work! And a little bit of luck. You will do great, as long as you devote your time to it proficiently. This is preparing us for what nursing courses are like, except nursing courses are more challenging! There are some topics here that re...
  20. Done with anatomy

    we will! remember to look back at what we did wrong and improve on it, so we can change the A- to an A+! great things will come to us for sure, as long as we put in the work. good luck !
  21. NOt liking where this is headed

    Trying to keep my hopes up, but I think I might end up getting a B+ in Anatomy and Physiology. I need an A to be competitive for my school's ADN program. If I do end up with a B+ in Anatomy, I need an A in Chemistry which I'm taking in Fall semester ...
  22. A&P prior to Micro?

    I'm finishing A&P 1 this semester. A&P2 is required first before taking Microbiology at my school. In all honesty, it doesn't matter. I would recommend A&P first to get a general understanding of how things work on the chemical, tissue, a...
  23. Would you rather... ?

    Let's say you got into the Nursing Program at the school of your choice. However, you still have the following classes to complete alongside your Nursing classes. Which would you have rather completed as a pre-nursing student, versus taking it as a ...
  24. Would you rather... ?

    just found out A&P 2 is a pre-req required for microbiology. so statistics it is.
  25. Would you rather... ?

    You assumed right. In order to be eligible for candidacy I have to take my last remaining "key" course which would be Chemistry. I am allowed to take A&P 2 if it follows directly after I apply for candidacy. So for example and this is all hypothe...