Hello all, I am a new grad nurse. I just started part time at a home health/public health agency. I may be moving to full time in the coming weeks. With that being said, I will be helping out with...
Hello all, I'm not sure if my thread is in the appropriate place, but here goes nothing. I am a new grad nurse (graduated in June, passed boards in July). I will be having my first interview with an...
Based on what I have gotten so far, it would be a good idea NOT to disclose any information about my migraines to a potential employer. That's good to know because I will start interviewing for jobs...
Congratulations.. My Question Trainer scores started out pretty bad, but then I ended up with a 60% and 61% on QT 6 and 7. I took my NCLEX about 44 hours ago... Waiting on quick results, and hoping...
I also took the NCLEX yesterday!! I can relate to your pain of worry since then, lol. I also had about 20 SATA, but no math, or any other alternate format questions. My test shut off after question...
The first few questions of the NCLEX I thought were easy... But throughout the test, I had some questions that were especially difficult for me and had to make a guess. I was a "B" student in nursing...
I took the NCLEX RN this afternoon, and my test shut off after 83 questions. I had around 20 SATA questions... I felt like I bombed it, as everyone does. My fellow classmates have all past so far...
Tomorrow is the big day. I'm taking the NCLEX tomorrow. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous.... I don't feel terribly confident, however I have been doing the Kaplan Q bank and trainers, and my...
MeganStar replied to MeganStar's topic in Geriatric, LTC
Extremely helpful, thanks fellow Coloradoan! :) Although like a few posters mentioned, 6 months of orientation in LTC as a new grad is unheard of. Based on what I'm finding out, I would be lucky to...
Hi there, Change in sleep habits are absolutely a trigger for me.... But unfortunately that is only one trigger. My triggers include stress, hunger, dehydration, heat, monthly hormonal changes, among...
I am a new grad, ASN (taking the NCLEX on 7/28) and am interested in LTC. In fact, the reason why I wanted to become a nurse was to work with the geriatric population. I don't ever see myself in...