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All Content by Wen83

  1. New grad recruitment

    I don't know if this is a silly question or not, but there is a hospital putting on a new grad recruitment fair that I would like to attend, however, I don't know if it is ok to attend since I have not graduated yet. I couldn't fine a number to call...
  2. Some people... geez

    A morning where I have a patient with a gunshot wound crying for his mom d/t pain, another who has approximately 3 days to live and the family is all in tears, a man who's waiting for his discharge papers, and a brand new post op that's being wheeled...
  3. I am a new nurse and have been at it for 5 months. Before starting my life as a nurse, I was incredibly excited about the new road ahead of me. I knew it would not be easy, but I had no idea how much it would hurt my relationship and that it is slo...
  4. Thanks for all of your replies, it's nice to know that I am not the only one that is feeling this way or have felt this way. Allnurses keeps me afloat I have no intentions of bailing out of nursing so soon... at least not without trying other part...
  5. 1st day off orientation was HORRIBLE

    My 1st day off of orientation will be this Sunday and I am honestly terrified I hope things will click in the future. Eek, I'm so nervous!
  6. The transition from student to registered nurse

    I came home last night and cried. We get 8 weeks of orientation and I'm on my last week. I get through my shifts ok, but it's all just so overwhelming. I got great recommendations from my teachers, however, I am questioning it because I feel like I a...
  7. Do I really need a $500 Kaplan class?

    I took Kaplan and thought it was completely worth it. I also had Saunder's 3rd edition, however, I felt that Kaplan was much more helpful. I know it's different for others, but that's what worked for me. Also, a Kaplan rep came to our class and we ...
  8. I passed with 75 woohoo! Took the exam last Tuesday found out on Friday :monkeydance: :penguin:
  9. Please Help!!! - NCLEX Review Courses

    Hey student79, Oh I'm sure it's doable just by reading, etc. I'm just the type who likes interaction and I learn better that way. Many of the things we talked about in class is also on the Kaplan online study center. I know other people have done d...
  10. Please Help!!! - NCLEX Review Courses

    I've never heard of Sylvia Rayfield, but I took Kaplan NCLEX RN Complete (with the class and the online stuff) and I thought it was really helpful. I took the NCLEX yesterday and felt that Kaplan really prepared me for the type of questions that I g...
  11. Things to do while awaiting NCLEX results

    It's only the day after the NCLEX for me and I'm not going to say how much I already spent on shopping today... :chuckle
  12. CA NCLEX results

    One of my friends said that she called the board and they were not helpful. She also said something about calling will slow the process down (as if it wasn't slow already)... I didn't know what that really meant but I've been hesitant to call.
  13. CA NCLEX results

    Couple of my friends who took it a few weeks ago still haven't received their results yet. We all graduated in December. I took it yesterday and I have a feeling I'll be waiting for a while..... Stupid CA.....
  14. It's my turn to say....

    Congrats Lori... RN!!!!!
  15. Testing Tuesday

    Good luck LoriRN2B! I will also be testing on Tuesday as well. We're on our way to becoming wonderful nurses!
  16. How long do i have to wait in CA??? HELP

    Hey congrats 2007BSN!!!!:balloons: :balloons: I'm taking the exam next Tuesday I just know my anxiety is going to get worse right after taking it. So you said you took it on Wed and found out today..... so it took approx. 3 days for you to find you...
  17. Anyone take Kaplan?

    I take the NCLEX in less than 2 weeks and I am using Kaplan to help me prepare. I am noticing that my scores so far are in the 50s and 60s (highest being 63%). They say if you get over 65% then you're ready for it. I still have a few question trai...
  18. Nclex Registration Via Pearsonvue

    It took a bit for them to send me the email. I did the registration on a Thursday at around 430pm and then I didn't get the email until the next day on Friday in the afternoon. I remember checking my email constantly because my friends had gotten th...
  19. Nclex Registration Via Pearsonvue

    When I registered, the same thought went through my head. They sent me a registration acknowledgment email. I didn't read it over very well the first time, but when I read it again, I found that they had given me a username and password. Hope that ...
  20. Anyone take Kaplan?

    Thanks dimplez, that was helpful to know that. Congrats to you on passing, that's awesome!!!!:balloons:
  21. Anyone take Kaplan?

    Thanks for the reply! I'm using Kaplan NCLEX-RN complete (with classes, course book, Qbank, question trainer, etc.) I also have Saunder's 3rd edition. The NCLEX is driving me crazy.
  22. Is nscbn close to real nclex Qs?

    Harder than kaplan?? Now I'm getting scared. I've been studying with just kaplan, should I be doing more?? I'm getting so overwhelmed
  23. NCLEX tomorrow- freaking out a bit

    I take in 2 weeks and I'm already on edge haha. I agree with not cramming. I think cramming right before will make things more overwhelming. I know when I start to cram, I begin to think about all the things I don't know and then I really freak ou...
  24. New grad recruitment

    Well, with what everyone said.... I'm going Thanks for everyone's reply and encouragement! I really appreciate it :balloons: Wendy
  25. 2 Year Track Nursing

    Sonoma State University