Published Jan 13, 2007
60 Posts
I take the NCLEX in less than 2 weeks and I am using Kaplan to help me prepare. I am noticing that my scores so far are in the 50s and 60s (highest being 63%). They say if you get over 65% then you're ready for it. I still have a few question trainers to go through, however, I'm getting discouraged with my scores. Are there many of you that scored 65% and above on the Kaplan practice tests? Are there any who scored lower than 65% and passed the NCLEX? The NCLEX date is getting closer and I'm worried my scores are going to continue to plummet :uhoh21: meaning maybe I'm not ready for the exam... losing confidence... ahh!
The anxiety is setting in if you haven't already noticed lol
5 Posts
Is this a school thing or did you take this class on your own? Don't rely just on Kaplan, you should get an nclex book and keep doing questions over and over. if you have friends with diffrent nclex books swap and constantly do questions. go on-line and try finding free practice nclex questions. The more questions you do, the better chances you'll have at doing well on the exam. Good Luck!!!
Thanks for the reply! I'm using Kaplan NCLEX-RN complete (with classes, course book, Qbank, question trainer, etc.) I also have Saunder's 3rd edition. The NCLEX is driving me crazy.
55 Posts
I took Kaplan for myself after not passing the boards the first time using Saunders...I did the Suzanne plan and it didn't work for me....Kaplan is just like the Nclex, they guarantee you pass and not only that, it makes u us ur critical thinking skills and shows you how to break the questions down into meaning.....It worked wonders for me....I went into the testing center on Thursday feeling more confident and I took my time, broke the questions down and it was an easy exam for me.....I recommend it to anyone....Saunders is more knowledge base questions....and Kaplan is more strategies and critical thinking.....Hope that helps.....I found out this morning I passed the exam...I am now a NURSE... :monkeydance:
Thanks dimplez, that was helpful to know that. Congrats to you on passing, that's awesome!!!!:balloons:
DolphinRN84, MSN, RN, APRN, NP
1,326 Posts
I took Kaplan when I studied for the boards and the highest I got on the question trainers was a 63 and I passed with 75 questions the first time. :)
158 Posts
I take the NCLEX in less than 2 weeks and I am using Kaplan to help me prepare. I am noticing that my scores so far are in the 50s and 60s (highest being 63%). They say if you get over 65% then you're ready for it. I still have a few question trainers to go through, however, I'm getting discouraged with my scores. Are there many of you that scored 65% and above on the Kaplan practice tests? Are there any who scored lower than 65% and passed the NCLEX? The NCLEX date is getting closer and I'm worried my scores are going to continue to plummet :uhoh21: meaning maybe I'm not ready for the exam... losing confidence... ahh! The anxiety is setting in if you haven't already noticed lolThanks!Wendy
You know your material, just go in thinking positively, and pray very hard!!! I am just about done with my Kaplan review, and I feel 50/50 ready for the NCLEX, but I am planning on taking it the earliest date before I really start panicking. The amount of information required to know is just so much. But I strongly advise you to keep the Kaplan strategies to remove the wrong choices. I believe that it's a matter of understanding or trying to find out what NCLEX is trying to ask you.
Go in there with an open mind, and just eat up that exam!!!
Nursing School was stressful enough, and you got through that. Kaplan works for some, and doesn't for others. However, if you know your stuff, NOTHING can stand in your way.
Good Luck!!!
1 Post
I also am doing the Kaplan review as well as other NCLEX review books (Saunders) I test on Wednesday and feel pretty confident. I pretty much have been doing questions for the past 4 weeks, it is so much to go back and try to relearn. But like most I will go in praying and come out praying.
743 Posts
i have used kaplan b4 and it was really good and helps you with analizing questions thoroughly. i didnt make it but i am sure whatever kaplan, saunders or anybook or review material that you will use, the result will always depends on the reviewee themselves. it is how u know the topic, how u understand them and how u answer it correctly. whatever really works for you go for it. theres no limit with regards to learning.
203 Posts
I'm also taking it in less than a week. I've used kaplan and saunders. I also have a score of at 60-70 over a 100 questions. My reviewer even told me that i got to have at least 75% each time to pass. I'm now worried about my scores. I just hope and pray that i will make it...
22 Posts
I wouldn't worry too much khirbz. Prior to NCLEX, I probably did about 3000 questions between Saunders, the NSNA Review CD, and some Kaplan books. I did not take Kaplan's actual course. Even at the end of my studying, I was only getting between 68%-78% correct on the tests. And I was freaking out and thinking about rescheduling the exam until I could get a better percentage. However, I passed NCLEX with 75 questions in 45 minutes on my first try. So, I think youre doing fine.