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All Content by fxmama

  1. Hey all! I know of a few of us that are applying to Holy Names University in california for the LVN to BSN bridge program fall 2012 start. I know of one other thread here on allnurses for HNU, but wanted to post a more recent topic for those of us st...
  2. Holy Names University Fall 2012 LVN to BSN

    The program is built to incorporate all pre req's. if you transfer in they may not accept all of the units. There is a limit, and some classes don't qualify.
  3. Oh the horrendous wait.....

    Has anyone mentioned the wait for Official results in California is horrible lately? Well let me remind us all! LOL. I took the NCLEX-PN February 17th, went home got the good pop up. I waited a few days called the Board and asked when they were proce...
  4. Holy Names University Fall 2012 LVN to BSN

    I am late in response, but was accepted for the fall 2012 semester. School starts in just a couple of weeks. How exciting and scary all at the same time!
  5. Holy Names University Fall 2012 LVN to BSN

    Interview this week! How exciting!
  6. Holy Names University LVN to BSN?! New program

    No I think you need to re-apply.
  7. NCLEX-PN tomorrow

    Well I take my NCLEX-PN tomorrow (or the beast as I like to call it.) I have been nothing but nerves all day, and I am praying with all my might that I pass. I just really want to sit and get it over with already! Any last minute advice for me? I hav...
  8. How long after licensing?

    How long after you received your license did you get your first LVN job? I am going a little crazy over here since I am pounding the pavement every day trying to find a job. When will my opportunity come? Just needed to get that one out...
  9. How long after licensing?

    Well I was successful in my search. I was hired last week and am waiting on my PPD to start.....I was told many times how lucky I was to land the position
  10. Holy Names University Fall 2012 LVN to BSN

    Msoleimanieh- I originally set out for spring (current semester), but didn't take nclex at deadline. Then I set for summer, kissed deadline to submit my license by 5 days. Now all paperwork is in and I am keeping my fingers crossed for fall!Leung89- ...
  11. Holy Names University Fall 2012 LVN to BSN

    Well I am fairly certain the interviews this week were for the summer semester.....I am sure we should be hearing something soon.....if not then we will hear from them when the deadline is up in June. Can you imagine having an interview now then havi...
  12. Waiting for an answer from the BON!!!

    It honestly wasn't long at all. Is this for the CA BON? Have you contacted your enforcement worker? How fast were you going for the tickets? How far apart were the incidents? What they are looking at is to make sure these incidents are not just negli...
  13. Waiting for an answer from the BON!!!

    Yes I did... took all of 2 days for California enforcement to release my file for licensing. Call your enforcement worker, and ask if there is anything that they need from you. Did you inform them of these tickets? I know they are less lenient if you...
  14. Holy Names University Fall 2012 LVN to BSN

    I sent N email....no word yet
  15. Holy Names University Fall 2012 LVN to BSN

    I'm still waiting....I am going to contact admissions to see when I can expect to hear something
  16. I need experience

    Unfortunately that is nog enough. You should never be just a face behind a computer....
  17. I need experience

    Have you been out on foot filling applications out in person? County Jails, have you tried there?
  18. Have you ever witnessed a Miracle?

    The Miracle that I experienced, did not come from my nursing profession, but was my son. He was born at 36 weeks due to my pre-eclampsia, and was a very healthy 6lb 8oz boy. I spent 3 days in the hospital being monitored for my B/P, and on the day w...
  19. Holy Names University Fall 2012 LVN to BSN

    You know, I am not too sure, but a friend of mine heard back within 2 weeks of interview by a phone call. Since you have been interviewed, how long after you submitted all of your requirements until they called you in for an interview?Good luck to yo...
  20. Best and Worst places for LPN opportunities

    What kind of registry work are you referring to caliboy760? I am also in cali, searching relentlessly for a new job, and a new grad to boot. I am literally pounding pavement every single day in my search...
  21. BVNPT Enforcement California

    Heads up...cashiering is backed up at the board. They pulled everyone off of new licenses to answer phones. I called this morning and even though my check had been cashiered on the 19th...they needed more time to process the license.
  22. I am working towards my LVN to RN Bridge program here in California...Luckily this one does not require prior work experience
  23. How long after licensing?

    Thank you all for your replies! I know that there is something out there for me, and I will remain patient until that offer comes my way, that I just can't resist! I hope it's in an acute setting, but I will be happy with ANY offer at this point :)
  24. BVNPT Enforcement California

    I recently dealt with them. Took and passed my NCLEX-PN on February 17, 2012. My results showed up exactly 2 weeks later, and they closed my case about 1 or 2 days after receiving my results.
  25. Which option is the best option?

    What would you do when you have incomplete medical records for a patient?[TABLE=width: 90%] [TR] [TD]Treat to the best of my ability and knowledge[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD] Take time to find the records[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD] Ask a supervisor what to do[/TD...