
studentnurse74 LPN, LVN


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All Content by studentnurse74

  1. Feedback on my prep plan

    Would one of you mind sending me the articles as well? I take my NCLEX in January. I'm starting to prepare already. Only running about 50-55% on q's, but just started my final semester of nursing school. Need all the help I can get. So far, I h...
  2. Can someone suggest an online program?

    I'll have my ASN in December. Would like info. on BSN and/or MSN from legitimate colleges for online programs. Thanks :)
  3. If I take my test- how do I find results early?

    I saw some of you discussing how to find your name under the registry before your test results are accessible. How do you do this?
  4. School debt

    Thanks for the helpful MSN link. :)
  5. What are the item(s) you need most for nursing school?

    Lots of snacks, caffeine, reliable child care, someone to car pool with to save on GAS PRICES, and some close pals to nudge you when you fall asleep in post-conference. :lol_hitti
  6. I PASSED the NCLEX Exam...YES !!!

    Way to go!!! How long from the time you took your test until you found your name online?
  7. School debt

    $16,000 in student loans, and I can't even begin to estimate what I've put on credit cards for cost of living items when short on cash. I plan on picking up extra shifts and working a lot the first year to get it down.
  8. Which Saunders?

    Just finished Kaplan's book- great, but a short book. I'm currently doing practice tests in Lippincott's q and a, and just ordered q and a's from incredibly easy series! (I WILL pass the 1st time!) Anyhow, I hear Saunders is excellent. I found s...
  9. Which Saunders?

    My friend has questions on cd that you listen to. I plan on listening to that in the car all semester on my way to and from school. I'm also taking a 3 day class offered through the hospital. That, combined with my many books should hopefully pass...
  10. How did you do on your practice tests?

    I've taken 2 so far in books. (I also have one semester left). BUT- I'm only getting about 50-55% right. I hear you should have at least 70% on them to be prepared. Should I just do more practice Qs, read up, any other tips? Thanks
  11. how early did you start practicing NCLEX questions?

    I'm getting ready to start my final semester. I just started studying a few weeks ago.
  12. How did you do on your practice tests?

    Thanks for all the info.! Preparing for the biggest test ever!!! 4 months! :chair:
  13. How did you do on your practice tests?

    Thanks for the info. I have a question: what are the percentages you listed? Is that the chance you have of passing if using those resources, or is that what you should score on those particular practice exams to be more likely to pass?
  14. What are the pros of getting your BSN?

    About public speaking... FREAKS me out. One of the reasons I switched my major from surg. tech. to nursing, ST required us to take speech, nursing didn't! LOL That's just one reason. But anyway, I'm the one who sweats profusely, shakes while I'm t...
  15. Eww summer school

    ME. I'm starting my 5th week out of 10. I was supposed to be off, but got into a summer program that will allow me to graduate in December instead of next May. So the suffering will be worth it, I'm sure. But right now....UGH...I can sure emp...
  16. A quiz to help you choose your nursing specialty...

    It told me emergency med, anesthesiology, or otolaryngology. Hmmm...
  17. Just ordered myself a Dell pda!

    The Dell Axim: I'm so excited! I was a little hesitant about spending the $ I don't really have, but I think I will love it. Especially aft...
  18. Littmann Master Cardiology III or Ultrascope?

    I'm a student, and just got the Littman one. I like that it also has the small side for peds or very small adults. I can hear great out of it. has great prices!
  19. Curious! I'm in Indiana, the one I'm at now starts new grads at $19.50 for base rate, plus shift diff and all that fun stuff. If I'm weekend option, I'll get $30.24 an hour! Of course, since I'm a broke struggling student, any pay sounds great to ...
  20. Congratulations! Sounds like you couldn't have timed it better! Enjoy your baby! :balloons:
  21. Semester almost over!!!

    2 weeks left, then summer, then fall, then done!!!!! I can't believe I'm halfway done! I was so scared last year, I actually feel like I might make it now!!!!!!!!
  22. Burn out!

    I have 4 weeks left of this semester, one week off, an intense 10 week summer session, then one more full semester. In other words, I'm almost done with my second semester. I'll be done in December. I am so tired of working for free! Once in a wh...
  23. more important nsg dx?

    I agree......
  24. Gave my first IM : )

    I loved it! The man didn't bleed a drop, and didn't c/o pain! He was a little uncertain at first, though, b/c my instructor was with me, and she was pointing to the exact spot to stick it, and reminding me to aspirate. I'm kind of twisted (are...
  25. I think it's finally getting to me

    I'm a nursing student- getting ready to interview for a peds oncology position. It's the only opening at this particular hospital I want to work at. I'm a bit apprehensive, especially after reading this. I love kids, but just don't know if I could...