How did you do on your practice tests?


Specializes in Gynecology/Oncology.

I've taken 2 so far in books. (I also have one semester left). BUT- I'm only getting about 50-55% right. I hear you should have at least 70% on them to be prepared. Should I just do more practice Qs, read up, any other tips? Thanks

[i did at least 100 questions per day that's what my nursing instructors told us to do. I started doing them the beginning of my RN year. I passed my NCLEX on the first try. The best method that helped me was the Kaplan decision tree. I had the book, CD-rom and took the class trust me it really helps!

ATI=96% chance of passing

Saunders comprehensive review=80%-90%

Kaplan Question Trainer CD=67%-72%

Mosby's CAT=92-99% chance of passing

These are all the tools/resources I used to study for my boards. I studied from the week after I graduated nursing school in May until I took my boards on July 26th. I did way over 5,000 questions I'm sure, I stopped counting at 4,000 which was sometime at the end of June. I did any where from 100-500 questions a day depending on how much timw I had and passed first timw with 90 questions. Really pay attention to the rationales, thats what helped me the most.

Specializes in Gynecology/Oncology.

Thanks for the info. I have a question: what are the percentages you listed? Is that the chance you have of passing if using those resources, or is that what you should score on those particular practice exams to be more likely to pass?

ATI=96% chance of passing

Saunders comprehensive review=80%-90%

Kaplan Question Trainer CD=67%-72%

Mosby's CAT=92-99% chance of passing

These are all the tools/resources I used to study for my boards. I studied from the week after I graduated nursing school in May until I took my boards on July 26th. I did way over 5,000 questions I'm sure, I stopped counting at 4,000 which was sometime at the end of June. I did any where from 100-500 questions a day depending on how much timw I had and passed first timw with 90 questions. Really pay attention to the rationales, thats what helped me the most.

ATI and Mosby gives you a percentile on passing. Your chances basically.

At school I took an exam to tell my percentage of passing and got a 98%. I forget the name of the company. Shoot!

I scored with Kaplan 60-74%

NCLEX 3000 66-80%

Saunders 75-100%

Lippincott 50-71%

NCSBN 55-78% I scored a 70% on the pretest.

I thought lippincott questions were by far the hardest. The kaplan CD was hard at the higher level questions. I learned a ton of stuff from the Lippincott book because it breaks down every disease and gives you a good amount of questions on each section. It's helps strength those weak area's too. I highly recommend Lippincott. I think I almost completed the whole book.

I studied for a month and 2 of the weeks I studied hard. I did at least 250 questions during that time and then the last 2 wks, I did about 150 and reviewed my weaknesses.

I pased on the first try with 75 questions.

Good luck and hollar if you need help!

Tiff, RN

Specializes in Gynecology/Oncology.

Thanks for all the info.! Preparing for the biggest test ever!!! 4 months! :chair:

Specializes in ER.

Good stuff in the thread. I am taking my boards next friday. Been studying like a nut and working. I will say a lot of people told me not to work til I took my boards but I ahve learned so much while working as a GN, I couldnt believe it. I am glad I went with my gut feeling on that one.

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