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About bluemorningglory

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  1. Crowd funding: Yay or Nay?

    I really this is a zombie thread but I wanted to chime in. I was recently diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer with mets to liver, lungs and lymph nodes. A dear friend started a go fund me page on my...
  2. WDYT? Sticking up for myself or...

    Now wait a minute..I was happy to shadow and was very motivated to be in OB that day. Again, I was completely new to OB. I was not miffed at all that they asked me to help move the bed. In fact, I was...
  3. WDYT? Sticking up for myself or...

    Ok...but consider this scenario. I was present during a csection during my last shadow. Great, get to learn something new. After the patient was on the table, I was asked to help push the bed out of...
  4. Nurses forced to work as aides

    Sigh. First of all, it is RNs, not "RN's". Leave it to the uneducated aide to correct the college grad on her grammar. That said, when this happens, you get to to more hands on patient care aka...
  5. WDYT? Sticking up for myself or...

    I am a CNA with over five years of hospital experience as a float. I have been on all floors except OB/PEDS. I currently work in an OR but am looking to change my hours and get back into a more...
  6. I only read the OP quickly but as someone who has btdt, lose the boyfriend. "Supportive" does not equal you as a
  7. Call Lights

    How can people let these go? Really? I have noticed certain staff members (not going to specify aide or nurse as I do not want to start that fight)who will sit and gab and not answer a incessantly...
  8. Switching career path..advice appreciated

    I am a PCA and have been employed by the same hospital for nearly three years. Started on the cardiac floor and have been in the float pool for nearly two years now(psych,ED,med/surg, ICU, cardiac). I...
  9. Lawrence Memorial Hospital/Regis College FALL 2012 difficult was it to get into the
  10. I'd like some advice. I'm 42yrs old and i've been an LPN 7yrs.

    You could get the best of both worlds by choosing a post close to a large Fort Lewis or Fort
  11. WWYD?

    Let's say you went to CNA school and while you were there you met a student. This student is middleaged and lives with family. He admits (without any source of remorse) that he shoved his preteen...
  12. New PCNA, need a nurses input/advice

    Male aides are gold because they can
  13. New PCNA, need a nurses input/advice

    Talk to me about the other
  14. New PCNA, need a nurses input/advice

    You have to document your VS asap. Unless they are documented they never happenedAgain take your breaks. Since you have done without them you might never get them back. Are you at least getting paid...
  15. New PCNA, need a nurses input/advice

    Can you walk through a typical