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About lisa_22

lisa_22 has 15 years experience.


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  1. Nurses' Unions

    I am here in Arizona aka hillbilly state and hence a "Right to work" state - went agency for awhile and got DNR'D for no good reason except another nurse did not like me - God forbid you are cuter or...
  2. This is a backward hillbilly state with many jealous spiteful women - all it takes is another nurse to not "like" you and u are DNR'd, no recourse as far as I know - They DO NOT CARE HERE IF YOU ARE A...
  3. confusion re: hospice care

    These are not good nurses.....why would you even question it? You sound like you
  4. Looking for Generic packing list...

    going to Naples, thanks for the great tips - really
  5. Looking for Generic packing list...

    of what to bring as first time traveler? Is there a list out there? Flying to first assignment in Florida. Company housing furnished...just need more info on what to bring?
  6. Travel "contracts"

    Thanks! That's what I wanted to know - and no, not using TN am american living in
  7. Travel "contracts"

    Do you have to sign a contract with travel recruiters - ie new to this and the company wants me to sign on w/ them for a year? Is this normal? I wanted to do a 13 wk assignment and then
  8. Travel Contracts....

    No, the travel co papers say I am working for them for a year (doing contracts),,,not sure of this as first time traveller -
  9. Travel Contracts....

    What is the usual time limit they put on these? (new here...) Mine says I will work for them for a year. Does that mean I can't work for any other agency? etc
  10. ADD (Attention deficit disorder)

    Look up Dr Peter Breggin or
  11. Sleeping senior ends up at B.C. morgue Last Updated Mon, 21 Mar 2005 12:03:06 EST CBC News VANCOUVER - A sleeping senior at a B.C. extended care facility was sent to a hospital morgue on Saturday,...