Travel Contracts....


What is the usual time limit they put on these? (new here...) Mine says I will work for them for a year. Does that mean I can't work for any other agency? etc etc...thanks

Specializes in ER.

YIKES!! A year is too much. Most contracts are 13 weeks. You can find some a short as 4 weeks, but those are rare. I would not commit to anything close to a year. That is the beauty of traveling. If you hate a place, you can put up with anything for 13 weeks, but a year, NO.

YIKES!! A year is too much. Most contracts are 13 weeks. You can find some a short as 4 weeks, but those are rare. I would not commit to anything close to a year. That is the beauty of traveling. If you hate a place, you can put up with anything for 13 weeks, but a year, NO.

No, the travel co papers say I am working for them for a year (doing contracts),,,not sure of this as first time traveller - thanks!

Specializes in ER.

What company is this, if you don't mind saying? Is it written in the fine print, or were they up front about it? I would run from them.

What are the penalties if you do NOT stay a year? Last I heard, slavery had been abolished. I am not saying it is not in the contract, I have just never heard of it. Reading stuff like this makes me really happy for the company I work with!

If Canadian, this is not uncommon because they have to sponsor you for a TN Visa. Something to keep in mind. And all of your immigration things. Do you already have a Visa Screen Certificate?

In speaking with my recruiter, she went over the contract on the phone, when receiving the actual contract plus the mountain of all other paper work, The contract seems to have added little goodies in it. The verbage is vague, There are mistakes in my application that they want me to sign with all the other papers all in all there are about 20 papers or more to sign., I feel like I am signing with the devil for my soul. Is this normal. I have traveled only with one other co. 5 years ago, and dont remember all of this. There are some things in this contract I dont agree with. Can a verbal agreement be broke for lack of disclosure on there part? Thanks.

Specializes in L&D/MB/LDRP.

Something sounds really fishy about that. Don't sign anything! I think you should ditch them and find someone else.

In speaking with my recruiter, she went over the contract on the phone, when receiving the actual contract plus the mountain of all other paper work, The contract seems to have added little goodies in it. The verbage is vague, There are mistakes in my application that they want me to sign with all the other papers all in all there are about 20 papers or more to sign., I feel like I am signing with the devil for my soul. Is this normal. I have traveled only with one other co. 5 years ago, and dont remember all of this. There are some things in this contract I dont agree with. Can a verbal agreement be broke for lack of disclosure on there part? Thanks.

Do not sign anything that has mistakes in it, have the agency correct it and send you a new copy to be signed...........

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