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About JMMagana18

I'm Jeremy. Full-time student at Citrus Community College. Currently studying to be a registered nurse. I hope to find a lot of useful info on this site. Any advice is welcomed! I'm in need of guidance.

Latest Activity

  1. In need of some advice.

    So I've just finished my core pre reqs this fall and I'm going to be applying to programs in January. Now I know nursing schools can reply as quick as the next semester or as long a year. I feel its...
  2. Couple Questions.

    Thank you, I think I'm going to do that actually. Cause seeing how varied it is on places that take tests. Thank
  3. Couple Questions.

    Well I know theres one for my jc, but idk If I wanna apply there cause its a new program, and their only taking people with a 4.0. Seriously, so I'm going to be applying everywhere, all the jc's and...
  4. Couple Questions.

    So I've recently completed my second year as a pre-nursing student. I will be taking a lot of the core pre-reqs next fall but my question is regarding entrance exams. My question is: I've got a year...
  5. In need of guidance.

    Awesoome! Sweet, yeah well i'm gonna try applying at csulb, csun, or csuf and other csu's as well but those are my top three hopefully. How do you know which exam to take? Will the school you choose...
  6. In need of guidance.

    This is awesome!! Thank you. So we're you just an undergrad or were you going for your rn to bsn? This is great, yeah I figured that too! Cause being at my CC for the second year, I see ALOT of...
  7. In need of guidance.

    Thank you! Haha I've been waiting for someone to actually give me one answer, most people have been telling me to just apply to both, and that doesn't really help my situation. Yeah well there's...
  8. In need of guidance.

    Thank you! And I guess waiting two years alright but it's just I don't wanna feel like I'm wasting my time waiting for two years to get into the program at a community college, while I could be...
  9. In need of guidance.

    I'm a pre-nursing student, and I've got about half of my pre reqs done already. With me being eligible to transfer after this spring semester. I'm debating whether to stay at my community college or...
  10. In NEED.

    Could you give me like a company name, website, anything really that I could find more information on this stuff at, and apply. cause this seems like a not so bad job. I wouldn't mind it, pay doesn't...
  11. In desperate in of some pointers!

    one word:
  12. In NEED.

    So getting early is key. Thank
  13. Quick Question.

    So I'm currently a full time student at my community college. And I'm about half way done, with my pre reqs for the rn program. But with the influx of people trying to enter nursing through the...
  14. The Difficulty.

    Thank you! I really appreciate your reply. Yours is something has really got me settled with the fact that I'm gonna go everywhere to find my nursing school. I'm just going to wait till next year,...
  15. The Difficulty.

    I've noticed, after two years of going to college, almost half way with getting my pre-reqs done. The amount of difficulty it actually takes to become a nurse. Not meaning that I'm gonna drop out, or...