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All Content by bklynborn

  1. The Today Show

    I read a post here not long ago about a gal who said she was going to experiment with wearing white to see if it made a difference. If you are out there come back and let us know how it went.
  2. The Today Show

    No the clothes are about being able to be recognized for who we are.
  3. The Today Show

    Younger thatn 50 a female SURGEON, who I might add doesn't do insurance billing.That tell you anything??
  4. survey DRUG BOOKS

    What is your favorite Drug Book and why?
  5. I hate night shift

    It took me a full 6 months to get used to working nights. I have worked all the shifts and find this is the best fit for me. Hang in there.................
  6. Ack.......... Sony Clie problem

    I was restoring my memory as I haven't used my pda in awhile. I now have a fatal alert message and can't seem to do anything..................box marked reset at the bottom but when I tap it nothing happens
  7. Ack.......... Sony Clie problem

    Jnette..............THAT WAS IT!!!!!!!! Thanks soooooooooo much!!!!!:kiss
  8. Older nurses jealous of new young nurses?

    Hmmmm how about we switch this one around? Do new nurses resent older nurses? I was once a new nurse myself and at that time I was eager to show my stuff...............new and fresh from school...............full of energy and out to save them all. A...
  9. working the observation floor

    I am taking a night position on our hospital's observation unit. I have 3 years of med-surg, and am wondering what to expect. Does anyone here work on an obs unit?
  10. working the observation floor

    Hmmmm lots of assessments I bet.................and probably lots of different types of pts. Anyone know of a good all around assessment book or other tool that might come in handy?
  11. Pierced/tattooed?

    Where are they and why did you do it?
  12. Wearing white

    Anyone choose to wear white as a way to differentiate from NAC's? I have been off on medical leave after a surgery. While in the hospital I had a hard time telling who was who (they all looked the same and it is impossible to read the print on the na...
  13. Wearing white

    Where I work (hospital) they just made the Unit secretarys start wearing scrubs............go figure.
  14. Wearing white

    Yeah I hear ya, but there is NO WAY I would wear a cap.......they have lots of comfortable looking white scrubs. I won't wear white pants either.........I think that's overkill.
  15. nurse not giving her meds.. should she be fired?

    Call the abuse hotline. One of every patients right is to be given pain meds.
  16. Anyone else with sacroiliitis?

    Thanks after I studied the word I figured it out.............So many nurses in pain, sometimes I wonder if it's worth it. I just had a cervical disc repair and have ben off work since the end of January without pay and payin insurance out of pocket a...
  17. Anyone else with sacroiliitis?

    OK so what exactly is this? Someone please educate me.............
  18. Herniated cervical disk

    The ortho doc is very good and does lots of this type of surgery. I am a med-surg nurse and I guess I'll just have to wait and see what the final outcome is as far as when I can go back to work.................his best guess was 6 weeks if no complic...
  19. Herniated cervical disk

    Any one out there have this problem? I am an RN and have been off work since the end of January. I had a fall at home and thought I had injured my shoulder. Symptoms were pain and tingling in my thumb and index finger arm weakness . Ultrasound showed...
  20. Herniated cervical disk

    Saw the MRI yesterday the bulge is compressing the spinal cord severely. Ortho surgeon comes very highly recommended. So surgery April 12. 2 days in and 6 weeks recouperation then back to work. I have already done the cortisone and PT thing.
  21. Herniated cervical disk

    Me again just wondering how long I might be off work after surgery????? Someone out there must have had this tpe of injury......................are there weight lifting restrictions after and for how long? I really need to get back to work..............
  22. Bodies Breaking Down?

    Last year at this time a woman weighing 250+ and 4 and a half feet tall decided to go down during a transfer. My back was tweaked did PT massage the whole nine yards and of course collected L&I. Last month I had a fall at home (over the dog gate)...
  23. New Position

    I was hired yesterday on our Cardiac floor. Am really looking forward to orientation .............any words of advice or must read book titles would be appreciated. Thanks.
  24. New Position

    no I live in washington state I was born in Brooklyn. What hospital do you work in?
  25. Interested In Cardiac Nursing

    I have worked in med-surg for the last 2 years prior to that I did six years in geriatrics. I am now finding myself very interested in switching to the cardiac floor. What useful info should I check into as I wait for a position to open. Thanks for a...