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All Content by Wikireader

  1. Hey guys, has anyone went through the ELMSN program interview, either CM or FNP track? What questions would they ask? That would be so helpful if you could share your experience, please, here or PM......
  2. What did you do to get hired as a New Grad?

    Hello NurseVN, thank you for your suggestions, can you get your EKG certificate from anywhere, or does it have to be from specific
  3. The trick truly does work!!! I just checked the nursing board website, and my name is there!!! The trick works,
  4. I took the NCLEX last week, and when I got home I checked the website and got the "good" pop-up. I am praying and hoping that the trick is true.
  5. I heard that sometimes they randomly give the whole set of questions to test takers, for stats, i am not sure if it is true or not
  6. Hurst review refund

    i think you should give Hurst another chance, they really do cover almost everything, i was skeptical first, but then realized that they are very informative, dont rush with the refund, my
  7. i second this question, ps: i love weekends, but i dont like that some places dont work during the
  8. Congratulations, jollygirl, so you did the trick right after the nclex? what is 48 hours everyone is taking about here? i am in California, btw, and we dont have speedy
  9. sam999, do you have to wait certain amount of time before doing the trick? i just got back after taking the nclex, and i wonder if it would be true if i do the trick? please, advise (so
  10. Hi guys, It seems like it is impossible to call the Board's phone number, it is always busy. I was wondering if anyone actually has an experience of visiting their main office located in Sacramento? I...
  11. Ok, I went there, and it worked. They indeed are very helpful. I am glad I went there. Thank you
  12. Took Test Today,,,did the trick...

    derbosfer, Congratulations! You totally deserve this, and I dont think you should feel bad about being one of the last one who passed NCLEX in your class. The result matters, not the
  13. February NCLEX Test Takers....

    I loved the Hurst review too, I havent looked at 5th day DVD yet, but i am looking forward to it. Also, the hurst lady told us to print the files on the CD that was attached to the book, because it...
  14. February NCLEX Test Takers....

    Hi all, My scheduled test date is also in February, and I just finished taking Hurst Review. It was a live 4-day class, and I think it really shed some light on many topics. So, I am planning to start...
  15. 4th try

    pbaskara, good luck to
  16. Thank you, jollygirl, I will try to do the same thing, keep calling them everyday. It is
  17. i sent my application in the beginning of December, and the check was cashed about two weeks ago, so, the website says to wait for about 4-6 weeks. It has not been full 4 weeks yet, but some of my...
  18. Thank you, caliotter3, I have not heard anything from them since i sent them my application for licensure, and have not received the ATT, so, I just wanted to inquire about the status of my...
  19. Microbiology FIRST EXAM (FAILED) :[

    I think it is better to take science prerequisites during "regular" semesters, not during short summer semester. I tried taking one science class during summer semester, and realized that it was not...
  20. I Got In!!!!!

  21. Physical Exam after acceptance

    Would you qualify for low-income health discount plan? There is one in Berkeley, and also there is a low fee immunization clinic in Berkeley
  22. Physical Exam after acceptance

    I think most nursing schools have their own clinics, and if you are an accepted student they should be able to see you there. And most likely, it'd be cheaper than the regular
  23. Once you're accepted how do you register for classes? You know when you're in the community college, you get a priority number, and the date to register for classes and etc. Is that same in the...
  24. Hi crisbiss, yes, I was talking about financial award letter and such. I received it a while ago. But they told us that they are still sending them out, as they go. So, you should be getting yours...
  25. Hi Sparkly, sorry for confusion, yes, by fin. I meant financial papers:) don't forget about two TB tests