Samuel Merritt the ELMSN program interview?


Hey guys,

has anyone went through the ELMSN program interview, either CM or FNP track?

What questions would they ask? That would be so helpful if you could share your experience, please, here or PM...

thank you so much in advance:)

Specializes in med surg, icu.

Hello! Congratulations on moving on into the interview process!

Last I heard/saw, it was done as an interview (but you never know if they're going to change it), and it's best done as a spontaneous surprise (IMO), but here's some advice I can give you:

- Be prepared... i.e. know what you're interviewing for. If you're going to go into the NP or a CM, why are you doing it? What are some issues that are important to the field you're choosing? Have you shadowed an NP or CM? If so, what did you learn? Like/dislike? Show that you can talk/converse about the topics/issues as well.

- Come with questions... and not just ANY questions: make them good ones. You need to also show that you've done your research... but also make them sell the school and the program to you.

- Don't be afraid to stand out. I remember going to last year's interview and answering questions of the interviewees.. from the front of the room, everyone who was in a black-coated suit kind of blended in. Be identifiable in some way... but remember, if you're going to be someone who can be identified, make sure you make yourself memorable with a good interview performance as well. ;)

- Remember that each member of the interview panel is also a unique individual, and each one has some form of input (be it big or small) into the application process... and this includes the students who do a question/answer panel for you. Don't forget to remember who interviewed you, and after the interview, send thank you letters or e-mails. Don't be afraid to ask either students or faculty questions at the end... and make sure you show that you genuinely care.

Good luck!! =)

Thank you so much Karmyk,

my interview is this week, so hopefully it is going to be fine :)

These tips really helped with my interview. Thanks for them.

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