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All Content by Dottie78

  1. What to wear to a job interview

    As a pre-nursing student, I have always wondered about this as well. When interviewing for a nursing position, what do you wear? I didn't think scrubs would be appropriate for an interview, but I think these replies have answered my question: wear...
  2. should I cut my hair?

    I had my hair long for quite some time (down to the middle of my back), then I cut it into a stacked bob, and I absolutely LOVE it! It depends on the person and what their personal preference is, but IMHO, the shorter hair is easier for me. When my...
  3. How do I pay my bills?

    I am also in the same dilemma as the OP, except I'm married with 2 children. I created a new thread inquiring about government assistance in San Antonio, TX. Does anyone know of any kind of assistance for full-time students in San Antonio? I don't...
  4. From reading the previous thread "How Do I Pay My Bills?" actually prompted me to start this one, because I have the exact dilemma as the poster from that thread -- "HOW am I going to pay my bills???" I read one reply in that thread that mentioned ...
  5. Evening shift and BAD eating habits!

    I'm not a nurse yet, but my mom who was an LVN for 15+ years worked 3-11 shift and ate when she got home. She says that's how she gained all her weight! She said she was too busy to eat at work, and was hungry when she came home, which was usually ...
  6. Hello, I'm a female and not in nursing school yet, but just completed my pre-reqs. I'm a little curious about something, and I would like your opinion. In one of my pre-req classes, I overheard a guy tell another guy sitting next to him that he "is g...
  7. Don't "click" too well with classmates

    Oh my gosh, did I read this right? Now I don't want to judge the OP, but it seems like he/she may be giving off that vibe and maybe that's why the other students stay away. Also, people don't go to nursing school to make great conversation, they go t...
  8. I can't wait until...

    I'm there with ya! Can't wait to quit my office job, until I can wear scrubs and comfy shoes as opposed to dressing up with heels...and until I can call myself a nursing student. And after that, I can't wait to call myself a NURSE! Good luck to ever...
  9. Guys: Just Curious - Need Your Opinions

    Excuse me, but that was awfully rude of you, and I did not appreciate that at all! I am NOT an idiot and you were not there in class with me to hear all these comments this student made, as that was not the only thing he said in class. What authority...
  10. In San Antonio, TX...Galen or Baptist?

    Hi all! I'm from San Antonio, TX, and just made the decision to go for L.V.N., after juggling with the idea of going to school for either surgical tech or L.V.N., since I have come to the realization that I may not be able to go to school for 2 years...
  11. weird situation

    I'm so sorry this had to happen to you this way, but I would leave early if I were you. If you stay, it might make things worse and you'll continue to be miserable. Like everyone else says, screw em'! You did your best there, and now it's time to ...
  12. Patient with maggots in head

    WOW!! That gave me the chills!!! Did not make me sick, but really made my skin crawl! Poor could his parents let a wound like that go for so long and get that bad???
  13. Pregnant and not know it?

    I've heard a couple of similar stories, even one from my aunt. When she was pregnant with her first, she said she didn't know until she was 6 months along (until she felt the baby move)! Maybe it is true for some, because there are some women who s...
  14. $31, that too much for a lpn program?

    The school that I may be applying to for LVN costs about $13K, and that's a private institution, but I've heard the cc here in San Antonio is less that $10K! I know it depends on where you are located, but I still think $31K is way too much for LVN ...
  15. Hi all! I'm pre-nursing and have completed all my pre-reqs for NS, and right now patiently waiting for my husband to graduate in Dec. so I can hopefully start NS soon after. Anyway, my hubby and I got into a disagreement last night over me wanting to...
  16. Husband Trying to Discourage Me from Nursing

    Thank you all so much for your replies and advice. While I'm still upset about the negative things my husband said, I can also understand his point, because that's probably all he sees when he's at the hospital with his mother. He's known for 4 years...
  17. Hi scrubble, I hear ya! I too am hoping to quit my full-time job to start school soon, and don't want to work full-time while in school. I also had the same concern and posted a thread like this a while back, and some people suggested to apply for ...
  18. I really want to be a nurse, but......?

    You should go for it! You're so young, and I give you credit for being young and already knowing what you want to do with your life, because a lot of high school students aren't mature enough to think about or care about their future. Wish I would ...
  19. liver transplant

    Redshiloh, that is great your fiancee is being evaluated for a liver transplant! I hope that he'll be eligible to be placed on the transplant list and everything goes well for him. :wink2: As far as recovery and what to expect, everyone is different...
  20. husbands that won't help

    Have you had a heart-to-heart with your husband? Have you told him how you feel, and asked him to please help you around the house with some of the chores and with the kids? You need to let him know how stressed you are, that you are at the point o...
  21. Male Nurse and Sexual Comments

    Has anyone ever told this guy to stop with the inappropriate comments? I'm also not an old fuddy-duddy, but that is crossing the line big time. I mean, this creep has the nerve to say something that crude in the workplace...he doesn't even have any c...
  22. I'm sure I'm not the only one, but when I was growing up, I did not want to be a nurse. The funny thing is, my mother was an LVN for 15+ years and she didn't inspire me to go into nursing. As a teen, I was very squeamish about poop, blood, guts, et...
  23. How Do You Manage Graveyard Shift & Family?

    Thanks, racing-mom4. It sounds like it's working for you, and I hope it will work for me too. As long as I can get at least 7 hours of sleep, I should be fine. But I was reading some other threads about working graveyard shift, and I read one post...
  24. I got a D

    I'm really sorry to hear that, but I do know exactly how you feel! That happened to me in A&P I & II. Sometimes I felt over-confident, and then I find out I got a D on the test. It felt horrible, but you know you have plenty of times to ma...
  25. $31, that too much for a lpn program?

    WOW, that is a lot!! Where are you located? Is this a private institution? I would say that depends on where you are and private institutions are more expensive, but I've never heard of nursing school tuition to be that high! I'm in San Antonio, ...