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All Content by Simon1

  1. Frustrated New Grad LPN with NO experience

    I'm also an LPN that studied a while ago and just recently passed my license with no luck in finding a job in nyc. Its either they are not hiring or you need one year experience. How do u get that experience that is my question that no one is able to...
  2. BEWARE: Pace University

    Gday, Im reading this 2 years after it was originally written and wondering if that is still the case....I finally recently just passed my lpn license after a break and 5 times at trying over several years. I also have a bachelors degree in an unrela...
  3. I need some advice please, I have failed three times and im going to continue going for the exam(thank you everybody that encouraged me not to give up), I have a full time job now, thank goodness, Im a supervisor on my shift in the afternoon/evenings...
  4. suzannes 2008 plan

    To whom it may concern, I have not been on this site for quite some time. As well, i have not taken the nclex LPN for over a year. I failed three times and even though initially i wanted to do it again i just continued on in my previous job working i...
  5. suzannes 2008 plan

    Its going to take me some time to finish it all and to find out step two but i started some questions today so hopefully i will keep it up. I must say that im out of the lpn course for 2 years now and i must be rusty on alot of topics as it was over ...
  6. suzannes 2008 plan

    sorry for disturbing anyone but it looks like i found it. I also have to watch that video explaining the site better so i will know how to move around in it alot easier. My first step and correct me if im wrong is to take the 3rd ed of saunders lpn r...
  7. To whoever, I'm an LPN graduate and just now i found out that i failed the exam here in nyc for the 3rd time. I did pretty well on my course, its been a year but if i remember correctly i got an average of 90 for the year. I have read three review m...

    I studied very hard for the cnet exam. I bought their study booklet and bought quite a few practice exams. After that, every spare time i had i studied that booklet and did those exams over and over again until i was sick of the whole thing. If i re...

    I went to the brooklyn campus, got thru finished with 90 average on my report card and have failed the nclex 3 times. Some people got thru the first time but not everyone. I took the course and graduated from the intense 10 month course in june 2006....
  10. Ok, thats it!!!!

    To all who read my recent posts, I mentioned that I failed my LPN test for the third time however a job with my present employer came up. It was actually a resident manager, so i would manage everybody in the group home that i worked at, i would earn...
  11. I'm thinking of giving up on the lpn license

    Thanks to all of you that have given me the encouragement to take this test and pass it. Lenbow, yes i could use some help because everything ive tried does not seem to work. Tomorrow I will look at those sites, Thank you. I'll keep you all posted......
  12. I mentioned in another thread that I have a chance to get a really good promotion at my existing job but they know that i have been trying to conquer the nclex exam. How do i explain the 3 failures if they ask me. Obviously it sounds bad but they do ...
  13. I'm thinking of giving up on the lpn license

    I'm not sure about the education system in canada but maybe if i took my course there instead of where i did maybe i would not need to worry about failing three times maybe i would have passed the first time. Actually i could say this about any other...
  14. I'm thinking of giving up on the lpn license

    To all, Thank you all for the encouragement and yes i think now i will give it another go. Lenbow, about the people that help you take tests do you know any of them or have any websites you can recommend if it is ok to tell me on this forum. I spoke ...
  15. To all, Im going to take my nclex-pn exam for the third time shortly, actually im going to schedule it tomorrow. I have taken an online review course however of course i am still nervous about doing the exam again. With pharmacology does anybody have...
  16. help on nclex-pn pharmocology study tips

    Thank you for your advice, much appreciated...
  17. Well, I guess I'll try again....

    just a quick question, whats the difference between lpn and rn boards apart from management and delegation?
  18. Well, I guess I'll try again....

    thank you for the reply back, however i have an rn review book and an lpn review book and they basically say the same thing except for the ivf questions and management questions. If I am wrong please let me know.
  19. Well, I guess I'll try again....

    To EricEnfermero, I looked up and it seems like the two exams have basically the same topics, generally, but differ as far as the percentage of the topics on the exams. I'm sure the rn exam is more in depth too.
  20. Apart from my other thread about the difference between board exams just wondering if anyone else had any suggestions on what i should do. I have been advised to study each topic and then tape myself explaining it then critic myself on how well i tea...
  21. To Suzanne4, I graduated last year, the school officially ended in the beginning of august. Meanwhile, during that time and my first attempt at the end of october, I had to go overseas for a couple of weeks then i started studying. My school had a re...
  22. Well, I guess I'll try again....

    Point taken thank you. I would like to know the difference however i did fail again. Its true i should probably have created a better title for this question. sorry...
  23. Brooklyn Adult Center LPN Program

    Its been a while since i took it but i remember the book that cnet offered and some practice exams helped me if you have time to get them. Fractions, long division, i think also ratio and percentages but i cannot remember exactly. their were comprehe...
  24. Hi all, My exam is tomorrow and I am still not clear on acid and base balance. My friend today helped me with alot of my questions however I am still not 100% clear on this topic, wondering if anyone could help me out. I have a cram sheet with info b...
  25. urgent acid and base balance help needed

    No probs hopefully, I took the exam already and after all that i didn't have any questions on acids and bases. I was familiar with alot of questions but i had to also guess alot more so we will see what happens. If not I'm trying again until i pass!!...